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Location:In your base, killin your dudes
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Registered on:4/16/2012
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The memes in the quote tweets are too spicy to post here :lol: but worth a look ...
[embed]https://x.com/michaelskolnik/status/1816813283979985037?s=46&t=jMm-Hthr4P5n2pAYHwyBnw[/embed] Harris campaign is off to an amazing start :lol:...
Trump was asking for it! [embed]https://x.com/mostlypeacefull/status/1812455935303934342?s=46&t=jMm-Hthr4P5n2pAYHwyBnw[/embed]...
[embed]https://x.com/joebiden/status/1565837049562800131?s=46&t=jMm-Hthr4P5n2pAYHwyBnw[/embed] The left, led by Biden and the media have stoked this fire. The secret service failed with a DEI hire at the helm. F all these people. I will crawl a mile through broken glass to vote for this m...
[embed]https://x.com/cernovich/status/1812290833649152176?s=46&t=jMm-Hthr4P5n2pAYHwyBnw[/embed] DEI hire ...
[quote]and I defiled them through their very gifts in their offering up all their firstborn, that I might devastate them. I did it that they might know that I am the LORD.[/quote] Amazing. You did it again. You haven’t even read the whole chapter. That whole chapter is talking about how Isr...
You show post after post that you have a preconceived conclusion that you are trying to draw, and no amount of proof will change your mind. Every verse you cherry pick I provide an answer to anfter showing you the context and it’s still not good enough and you move the goalposts. Keep shoving th...
It’s just not surprising at this point you don’t read the entire chapter when you pick your verses :lol: Have you read Exodus 13? What does it say to concentrate them with? The Lord said to Moses, 2 “Consecrate to me every firstborn male. The first offspring of every womb among the Israelite...
[quote]You aren’t making any sense. I’m making a very simple statement, that the Bible never once said what Jephthah did was wrong or a sin. Rather than respond like a child, try to legitimately prove me wrong, and provide a scriptural verse[/quote] Your first interaction with me in this thread...
[quote] The Bible never once says it was wrong or it was a sin or Jephthah sinned or did evil in the sight of the LORD.[/quote] This is how we know you are a YouTube atheist. Go back to your dorm room and keep studying. ...
[quote]he made an oath to Yahweh that whoever[/quote] Not that you care, but in his oath he says “whatever” not “whoever.” [quote]Which verse says that or makes that clear?[/quote] Literally the next verse when he immediately tears up his clothes because he realized what he had done. [...
It’s always funny when atheists try to explain the Bible. That entire episode is an example of why you don’t make rash promises because Jephthah didn’t intent for his daughter to be the first to greet him. But like a good YouTube video atheist you take it out of context and don’t read the entire...
There is no difference. One is just cloaked with medical terminology to make it seem less evil. ...
[embed]https://x.com/mailonline/status/1809222554415956113?s=46&t=jMm-Hthr4P5n2pAYHwyBnw[/embed] And the only problem the left sees with this is the timing. She should’ve done it just a little sooner and it would’ve been legal. This is a sign of a healthy society. ...
If Obama is doubling down on Biden after that this quickly, they have something even more sinister up their sleeve to make sure he wins. Biden is going to set another record for turnout in all the blue cities again isn’t he ...
[img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GRLtPQfWwAAQ2JE?format=jpg&name=large[/img] If Obama is doubling down on Biden, they are counting on the ground game and shenanigans of 2020 again. Only plausible explanation. ...