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Registered on:2/7/2012
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I don't think you can call the kid soft by any means. Did he have a rough season last year, yeah but i don't think that makes him soft. I didn't see any DS people saying he was soft his sophmore year when he was tearin' up out there. I think he will be fine this year and wish him the best in Arkansa...

re: Friday Recruiting Tidbits

Posted by workhorse on 3/2/12 at 6:10 pm
How does Blanchard from DS fit into the mix? I Heard he is going to Arkansas this weekend. I hate to see oos talent leave if we could use them here. Not sure he will get an offer though.What are prospects do we have for RB??...
I heard he may have problems qualifying academically. Hopefully,he can get that resolved....
I think he will end up at Arky. He already has an offer from them and is going to their second junior day this weekend. I think we should take at least one of the two studs from Livingston Parish, either Blanchard or Perkins. Not sure who would be better for us......
What kind of trouble is he getting in to off the field?? Maybe going into his senior year he has matured a little bit. Wish him the best as well.....
I have a friend who know his trainer and from what he says he seem to be coming along with the rehab pretty well. I think he is going to Arkansas this weekend for their second junior day. He does have a Arkansas offer and would hate to see us lose any in state talent. But i guess we will see how he...
How doe she compare to Kaleb Blanchard the RB from Denham? I know he was hurt most of his junior year. Any word on him?...

re: 2013 RB Kaleb Blancahrd

Posted by workhorse on 2/8/12 at 10:29 am
From what i hear he seems to be hitting the rehab pretty hard. My neighbor know the guys who is training him and he said he has his weight up to 205 and has just started running again with the same intensity he had his so year. I'm anxious to see what he does this year in camp. ...

2013 RB Kaleb Blancahrd

Posted by workhorse on 2/8/12 at 8:44 am
Does anybody know that status on Blanchard's offer? I saw he was at Junior Day on Saturday but didn't see much else on him. Just wondering what the word was on him and how many RB's will be taking in 2013. ...