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Location:St. George
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Wow. What a swing

Posted by bayoumuscle21 on 7/23/24 at 11:49 pm
Go from Trump just won when he was almost killed to they're going to steal it with Kamala. Get her in front of a microphone as much as possible and let her do Trumps campaigning for him. If she wins, our nation deserves whatever it gets. She's absolutely pathetic in every sense of the word. E...
[quote]And you truly believe the president controls grocery prices? How? [/quote] Gas prices is directly involved with this....
[quote]Trump physical frailty[/quote] I just watched a video of him playing an 18 hole round of golf with a PGA pro and hold his own....
[quote]He’s a player I think he only missed 1fairway[/quote] I've been watching BD channel for a while. Trump is a fantastic golfer! I knew he was decent but I didn't expect that....


Posted by bayoumuscle21 on 7/21/24 at 2:22 pm
The real Hawk Tuah Ticket...
[quote]and using the same [b]rhetoric[/b] will get dems to start voting republican? i just think this analogy may be outdated and [b]offensive[/b].[/quote] My gosh do we have some soft freaking people in this country. We have to get away from this weak mindedness if we're ever going to get back o...

re: Democrat Co-Worker Responses...

Posted by bayoumuscle21 on 7/15/24 at 11:45 am
A few of them were laughing at people calling it fake. They're saying no way Trump risks himself like that, and I've heard them say F Trump a few times. They fit a category and I'll leave it at that....
[quote]That the Israelis knew about the attacks two weeks in advance of them.[/quote] Go look up Alex jones giving the entire play by play on July 25th,2001. Even said they'd blame it in Bin Laden who was a known CIA accomplice....
[quote]Don't bring your facts in here, they are going for their victory lap for their massive win over woke culture[/quote] Well most companies that go woke are having pretty bad things go on. Disney AB-Inbev to name a couple. I just don't think Tractor supply is as big of a deal as those two hav...
This is fake news regarding the stock price...the stock hit an all time high and then dropped and retraced to support and bounced. Thanks for posting though I'll add some Jan 300c. For the record. I'm extremely conservative and can't stand identity politics, DEI or the alphabet group. I just trad...
[quote]No matter what anyone tells you, the shave won’t be as good as a modern multi-blade razor. [/quote] This is 100% BS. I had 6 days growth yesterday morning and my Gillette 7 O clock stainless blades in my futur at 6 setting gave me a better shave than my Gillette fusion pro glide ever could...
[quote]Been a cartridge guy my whole life but Jesus those things are expensive. I’d like to step up to a safety razor but I’m a little intimidated. How easy is it to slice your face up with those things or is it really not that big a deal? Looking for whatever wisdom the OT wants to provide.[/quote]...
[quote]Yeah, you want Trump as dictator. Our Founding Fathers would not agree. He loves Putin & other tyrants. You love Putin, Kim, Xi and Urban as well? Tell us. Freedom lovers should not. But do what you do. [/quote] Regurgitating CNN makes you look ignorant. Liberal, big government cucks are ...

Monster Mash!

Posted by bayoumuscle21 on 5/25/24 at 4:39 pm
That's what this game should be remembered as!!...

re: Questionable Happenings

Posted by bayoumuscle21 on 5/25/24 at 6:18 am
[quote]That tells me they are CAG/Unit members. [/quote] I've heard these guys compared to the toughest SEAL with vastly higher IQs. The military guys I know speak of CAG/Unit members in reverence....
[quote]I love RDS, but he can't do what DJT does. The biggest grassroots political movement in American history scoffs at those claim it is a cult. LOL. We do not agree with him 100%......that is a cult. Be we KNOW he is the answer we need right now.[/quote] I agree with this section for sure...

re: Options Trading Thread

Posted by bayoumuscle21 on 5/19/24 at 11:02 am
GL Jan 105c DV Jan 20c PR July / OCT 17c Aehr 12.5c Sept Apps 2.5c. Jan 2026 Undervalued stocks with time...sell OI whenever comfortable and let ride...LULU on the horizon ...
[quote]Best in its class. Try Juggernaut, a little bolder but same price point.[/quote] I like Juggernaut. I was listed stuff off of the top of my head....
[quote]Name one conservative in this congress.[/quote] Rand Paul...
[quote]Bonanza is the best bang for the buck $17.99[/quote] You'll get down voted to oblivion and it's far from my favorite, but for the price it's a decent wine. If you're sticking with Wagner I'd go Conundrum or walking fool instead....