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I am beginning to question Trump's choice of VP. This guy seems worse at this stage of the game than I remember Pence being. ...
1. No way Trump does not have his own professional security people and no way they missed the rooftops along with the SS. It is easier for me to believe something else crazy than to believe something that crazy. ...
It is curious as to why suddenly there are new rules in play for a candidate. Much has been said about Trump that has nothing to do with his qualifications for the job. I never recall seeing a warning about keeping the comments from his previous actions and relationships. What gives?...
[quote]What a stupid comparison[/quote] use any comparison you like. people used to do without many things is that your argument that they are needed today? that is the point, not that ac and phones are alike. just that LA is hot and people used to go to school without ac, now they have ac....
[quote]Except for the fact A/C actually enhances the learning environment and cellphone usage detracts from it, your analogy was spot on. Crackerjack logic right there[/quote] yeah, that was the point I was trying to make LOL just saying that times change and because you lived without someth...
[quote]How did kids survive in schools before cell phones?[/quote] How did adults? People survived in the past without AC, but would not want to go somewhere now without it....
This is hard to believe. But also hard to believe that Trump did not have his own security people involved who would not have missed the lapse in security allowing the shooter. The SS is part of the executive branch I think. If so they are under the authority of Trump's mortal enemy, Joe Bid...
[quote]Imagine having such low impulse control that you have to run to social media & tell everyone how you want the President to be murdered[/quote] I dont disagree, at all. ...
[quote]quote: I just want a list of things we as conservatives are in favor punishing people for saying. I understand that free speech is dangerous and must be restricted in our modern world, but I do need some guidance and where tye new boundaries are. You don’t care about free speech. You ca...
[quote]Would you have a problem with a school terminating a teacher who said “I wish a tranny kid would get shot.” Of course you wouldn’t. And therein lies your problem and your idiocy is laid bare.[/quote] The issue is not what I would or would not have a problem with. I just want a list o...
[quote]Stop exaggerating the punishment. The superintendent absolutely has the right to revoke teaching licenses based upon morality.[/quote] She lost her not just her job but her license because the government disapproved of her speech. I am opposed to this ALL THE TIME, even when I find th...
[quote]What else could have cut his ear[/quote] I'm a big believer in possibilities. If he wanted to fool us, I am confident in his ability to do so. But then again, he may be dense enough to trust Bidens SS with his life and allow them to allow a shooter that close to taking his life....
[quote]Murder does not equal abortion. Not one woman is serving time for abortion. Morality is a bit fluid but murder never flows to the acceptable side of the line for 99.5% of us[/quote] Of course it is unacceptable, I agree. But is wishing it occurred illegal? Tell me what restrictions t...
[quote]You think wishing a Presidential candidate is assassinated is “expressing her views[/quote] It's not? Is it illegal to say something so abhorrent? Maybe one day you say something they find equally abhorrent, then what?...
Slippery slope Now a liberal Superintendent takes the license of a teacher that posts anti abortion views and that is ok too? I abhor what the teacher says, but the state is punishing her for expressing her views....
[quote]100% God. The atheists will deny it, though[/quote] If a bullet hit his ear, not 100% convinced., this is absolutely the hand of God...
In some cases killing babies is ok. I guess......
[quote], in your mind, what IS on the table? Enlighten the class, Bill.[/quote] Sorry teach I'll just shut up and believe everything I am spoonfed. I am not saying anything definitively but I think it is possible that Q was right and we are watching a movie and Trump was never in danger. ...
[quote]Was the splattered brains on the bleacher from an innocent bystander also fake?[/quote] I saw blood but no brains. I was told there was brains, but did not see it myself The left got mad at Alex Jones for questioning the SH story. Is the right following them now? Question everything ...
That bandage was a but much though I thought ...