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Location:Alexandria, VA
Biography:University of Oklahoma
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Registered on:11/30/2011
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re: Your Biggest Success?

Posted by Ostrich on 7/26/24 at 11:52 am
Marrying well...
Fair, but three months is all that matters right now in terms of this election...
About three months. Get ready, the media will go all in for her. ...
If I am standing up when I'm ordering, I don't tip....

re: Oswald was 24

Posted by Ostrich on 7/24/24 at 7:28 pm
Gavrilo Princip was 19...
We got too used to winning and got complacent over decades (Oklahoma). That goes for fans and admin. Heading the the SEC is a shot in the arm that we needed. ...
That’s pretty bad but it happens. Public speaking isn’t for everyone. You’d think UCLA’s comms staff would have coached him up better than that though. ...
Objectively it was the most dominant debate victory of all time. Hard to call it a mistake. ...
[quote]He really needs to give her a position in his administration.[/quote] Trump doesn’t like losers and she’s not qualified for anything. ...
She’s a terrible candidate ...
Pretty telling he’s outraged about identity politics and not that the USSS let the leading presidential candidate get shot. ...

re: The @POTUS handle on X

Posted by Ostrich on 7/20/24 at 1:59 pm
Does it matter?...
[quote]Can anyone find me a VP candidate that their party lost an election that ever became the party presidential candidate in a future election?[/quote]' I had to look it up... Walter Mondale was VP when Carter lost to Reagan. He then got the dem nom in 84. Bob Dole was Ford's running mate i...
[quote]With all due respect, people who go to conventions (republicans and democrats) are some of the weirdest people out there. [/quote] Half the crowd are lobbyists...

re: No tax on tips

Posted by Ostrich on 7/18/24 at 10:35 pm
[quote]Nobody wants to acknowledge it. But why should everyone else be taxed on money they make but this sector gets a pass? [/quote] Because we want their vote...
Exactly... this reminds me of 2015 when every network covered every Trump speech...
This is a vintage Trump speech...
[quote]I wonder how much that increases after tonight. [/quote] A lot...
[quote]It’s been the best 3 weeks any R nominee could ask for in my lifetime [/quote] The weeks following Trumps win in 2016 were pretty great...