Favorite team:Houston Astros 
Location:Neoliberal Shill
Occupation:Neoliberal Shill
Number of Posts:8132
Registered on:11/14/2011
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[quote]uck that guy. No reason to punish people that don't have kids.[/quote] Based. Can't wait for the mental gymnastics from the Trumpists on how this is fair. JD is a moron....
[quote]Posting Nick Fuentes for something like this is pretty ironic considering he is as queer as a 3 dollar bill[/quote] Yea. Booger Nick loves catboys and transgirls. ETA: dammit lsu5803tiger! :lol:...
[quote]we already knew a certain faction of y'all hate when people have children in a single parent home, or if they are born out of wedlock, etc..... now y'all are up in arms because people are deciding to be responsible and NOT have kids, if they make a choice to not have kids?? pick a fricki...
[quote]Their birthrates have dropped pretty dramatically also.[/quote] Get your facts and data out of here dude. This board only does MUH FEELS. [link=(https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.DYN.TFRT.IN?most_recent_value_desc=true)]LINK - Wordlwide Fertility Rates[/link] The indisputable ...
[quote]No child is a burden on anyone - that refutes your argument[/quote] You conveniently ignored that I was speaking from a FINANCIAL perspective. You aren't arguing in good faith. [quote]You actually think a city should have nothing but small compact cars and bikes and single people and...
[quote]I thought you were just a dumbass in the truck thread now I know you are a selfish piece of shite[/quote] The replies to me are always ad homs and never actually refute my argument. :lol: So many snowflakes on the OT. ...
Hijack: Is Skenes confirmed for Monday? I don't see the starters listed yet....
[quote]The US, along with most of Western Civilization, has shrunk their birth rates so low they have reached the point of unsustainably.[/quote] There is a well-documented phenomenon that birth rates plummet as countries attain first-world status and women enter the workforce. In an urban env...
[quote]Because the people who start these threads will always pick the most expensive areas, and then use that to claim that all housing in all areas of the country is unattainable. It's disingenuous at best.[/quote] So you have a frick you, I got mine attitude. What a disgusting, foul lot the ...
[quote]GeneralLee[/quote] Just rip the mask off and own that you are a racist. Don't be a coward....
[quote]No. Just telling you entitled millennials you don't just get what you want for whatever you want to pay for it. Consider this a life lesson your parents should've taught you a long time ago.[/quote] We have beat this topic to death on the OT and by and large the boomers reuse to accept the...
[quote]"Starter home" will cost >$1 million in 237 cities.[/quote] [img]https://media.tenor.com/WeLEkgAAL0IAAAAM/clown-world.gif[/img] Inb4 Boomers seethe and tell the younger generations to wOrK hArDeR and gEt A jOb!!!!!!!!!111...
[quote]The only answer is sex. [/quote] [quote]frick sticking my dick in em...gross.[/quote] Correct. Sex with women is gay....
[quote]It was “mostly” fine. [/quote] Was it "mostly peaceful"?...