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Location:Ocelot, Iowa
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Registered on:10/31/2011
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[quote]This is like the third time I have seen this in three months. [/quote] If it makes you feel better, the error was in overstating of how much aid we have sent, so it’s 2 billion less in aid than we thought. ...
[quote]When the athletes representing America hate America, I don't watch. In fact, I root for the other team.[/quote] This is sad and pathetic. Stick to little league baseball. ...
At least with tarps you can just walk over them and walk under tents. The grill thing has gotten insane so I’m for that. I couldn’t cross the neutral ground on 4th street last Fat Tuesday, a normally quiet family friendly corner, because the “truck parade people” basically blocked off a miles worth ...
[quote] Yet Russia produces more shells, and armored vehicles than we do combined. They have a six to one advantage in drones. The reality is that we dismantled our industrial base, including the military side, and shifted to a service economy. We can airdrop a Bain consultant on their head, I...
[quote] This won't work because the industrial capacity doesn't exist in the West to achieve anything like parity with the Russians. Russias industrial advantage has increased since the war started. Ukraine's leverage is time and cost, they can offer Russia a cheaper victory if Russia is willing to ...
[quote]I wish I could meet someone like you[/quote] You mean , with a high school diploma? ...
[quote]HoI does he know it’s boiling water? What if it was boiling oil, or sugar maybe it’s acid just saying if I suspect someone is throwing a substance on me I would rather shoot first then find out later it’s not some other substance as if getting boiling water thrown on your face and searing you...
[quote] I totally disagree with the assertion that the officer should retreat. I can't even understand why that would be what we would want officers to do. [/quote] Yea, we can't have officers retreating here. They had to keep the resident of that house safe after she called them! Oh, wait.. ...
[quote] No, I just like watching body cam videos. There are tons of them out there it's apparently a pretty common thing to do. Audit the Audit, Attorney Reacts, Code Blue Cam are just a few of the channels. They all come from different perspectives of this issue but acting like this lady is a p...
[quote] I watch a whole lot of body cam videos. Her behavior is unbelievably commo[/quote] Thats hilarious. LARPing so you can play small town law enforcement? Dont worry you can write your boyfriend when he's serving a mandatory life sentence....
[quote]Anyone defending this cop is either [b]a moron, a racist, a bootlicker, or all of the above[/b].[/quote] [quote]quote: He could have just ran out of the room and got a tazer. Oh yes, because taking your eyes off of a subject who clearly means to harm you is a great idea. Let's just g...
[quote]Rallying the troops because you can’t handle a friendly disagreement?[/quote] The troops are all on the same side here. Everyone thinks this was unjustified. [quote]I’m not debating the guys guilt or innocence[/quote] [img]https://media.tenor.com/jLfsFz7mVFAAAAAM/cool.gif[/img] ...
[quote] So you don’t #believeallwomen? Turn in your blue hair dye bottle and face mask at once.[/quote] Anyone else surprised that another muhdeepstate mouthbreather doesn’t see anything wrong with agents of the state killing people in their own homes, after calling 911? ...
[quote] Is this your first rodeo? Just started paying attention to “the news” now that you’re about be a freshman in college? Here’s a tip Junior, rarely are these situations exactly how they seem when the video first drops. [/quote] I’m sure you feel the same way whenever some college girl is ...
[quote]Innocent until proven guilty. Let a jury hear all the evidence and then make a decision. frick social media and everyone’s super duper valid and instant opinion.[/quote] Yea, there’s probably some hidden evidence the libz don’t want us ti see. I bet this thug had marijuana in her syste...

re: FAUDA...

Posted by REG861 on 7/24/24 at 12:46 pm
fricking suspenseful show. I’m really curious how they incorporate, uh , recent events into the next season. My one complaint about the show is too many characters just drop off. ...

re: Jaws 2

Posted by REG861 on 7/24/24 at 12:40 pm
[quote] And the teen characters are as vanilla as it gets and cannot hold together the movie like Schieder Dreyfuss and Shaw.[/quote] I disagree. True they didn’t hold a candle to the original but for the genre I thought they had pretty good chemistry, enough that you were cheering for them and s...

re: Jaws 2

Posted by REG861 on 7/24/24 at 12:39 pm
[quote] What are your thoughts on Jaws [/quote] It’s pretty good. Nothing can replace the original’s on-boat camaraderie and dialogue but I thought they did a pretty good job with the high school kids. The scares weren’t half bad either. The helicopter scene was delicious ...
[quote]by TrevaylinI saw a Pravda news item that indicated Russia had blown up an Ukraine storage depot and managed to kill 25 French special forces and about 15 other European military personnel. Not able to confirm with a second cite but that would be a serious loss for the frogs Found a couple ...
Here’s a gem from GumboPot : [quote]Why would a cop get arrested for shooting someone about to throw a pot of boiling water at him? Seems like self-defense to me.[/quote] Oh and then you have a Hitlerite with 88 in his username racking up the upvotes posting about putting down “feral blacks.” ...