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Registered on:10/30/2011
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[quote]Bamafig[/quote] Admins should make an exception and edit your user name to actual Bamafag. It’s very fitting. ...
[quote]Magazine sales? By chance? Scam. They can get violent too.[/quote] Had this happen several years ago… knocked on the door around 10, I somewhat politely cut off his shitty sales pitch for ripoff magazine prices and tell him it’s too late to be soliciting and I’m not interested. He pro...
[quote]I can easily hit a head shot on a target at 25 yds with a handgun.[/quote] Man, I know this is the OT but 25 yard headshots with a pistol ain’t easy, 25 feet sure, I’d agree with that… maybe you put 1000s of rounds on paper so maybe you’re real good, but most even moderate shooters aren’t ...
[quote]I barely come to this board to begin with.[/quote] That’s right, you don’t post very often these days. But you used to. [quote] This site is known as a place for undercover racist to congregate behind their screen names.[/quote] Ah, there it is. ...
[quote]Doesn’t the government use S&W 40? At least the FBI does.[/quote] I believe they switched back to 9mm not too long ago… there’s a large surplus of 40 cal. due to different agencies going back to 9mm as well. I know my department didn’t switch due to being cheapskates and accepting as m...
[quote]Whatever model Glock the government is using now is chambered is 10mm[/quote] [img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/145HxsPPPgOSR2/200w.gif?cid=82a1493bq6eurre5udue8r2q9zxpqutxmlji15tj41bfsrgg&ep=v1_gifs_related&rid=200w.gif&ct=g[/img]...
Yup, just started not too long ago… worse than period mood swings, increased forgetfulness, constant uterine wall shedding. Good times. She got a gyno visit next week, hopefully they get her hormones back to a semblance of normalcy. I have one of the least crazy ones, and it hasn’t been as bad a...

re: Is this justified self defense?

Posted by zsav77 on 7/7/24 at 2:33 pm
Technically, blows to the head or neck with the bony portion of your hand is considered deadly force assault… looked like homeboy punched him in the temple. So deadly force would supposedly be the appropriate response. ...
[quote]That HWRF is run by a computer that hates humans.[/quote] Skynet? Great, the machines really do control the weather. ...
[quote]I just hope it doesn’t go to Lake Charles they’ve been through enough[/quote] Welp, I thought we might be out of the woods a day or two ago, but that’s starting to change just a little bit each update. Should’ve known better. ...
[quote]It’s clickbait[/quote] [quote]Then stop clicking on it[/quote] [img]https://media.tenor.com/Y0JDE3T6fnYAAAAM/alonzo-mourning-gary-payton.gif[/img] ...

re: New slang that you hate

Posted by zsav77 on 6/15/24 at 9:59 am
“Give him his flowers” / giving praise “That’s cringe” “Say less” / say no more All pretty annoying phrases I see on something like YouTube videos ...
[quote]That was absolutely horrible getting home.[/quote] Yup. Glad they got that fixed, didn’t want to deal with that shite tomorrow. ...

re: New thread started for Beryl

Posted by zsav77 on 6/6/24 at 9:17 pm
[quote]Who's that dipshit on Facebook that fear mongers every model run that shows a gulf coast landfall?[/quote] I believe the page is Tropical Storm Central. Nothing but fear porn. Prom hates that guy :lol:...
[quote]Also, the media seems intent on making America hate America.[/quote] America should hate the media. And its politicians. ...
[quote]every time I start to doubt my plan, I remember that I’m debt free and can retire before 60. Regardless of whether I am “rich”, I call that a win[/quote] Same… I often feel I’m behind the curve and haven’t done everything I could to be comfortable in retirement… then I realize most don’t ...
[quote]Nose - baseball[/quote] Same… twice. Now looking back, I was supposedly good at baseball, but obviously I couldn’t catch. Also broke left arm at the elbow jumping off monkey bars in kindergarten. This happened back in the 80s so they didn’t call my parents and made me stay in school ...
The refs for this game apparently left their whistles at home… Knicks/Pacers refs making the weakest of calls, Wolves/Nuggete refs won’t call one. As usual, officiating is terrible. Seems to be a wide spread problem for all sports. ...
This officiating is something else :lol:...
[quote]I'm wide. 289 lbs and 6'4".[/quote] [img]https://media1.tenor.com/m/z80A8_AXUsQAAAAC/huge-bitch-deuce-bigalow.gif[/img]...