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Registered on:10/12/2011
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Not even my conservative friends can fathom an answer as to what a liberal would deem as the best thing the last 4 years have brought us. All they can say is, they will always vote left. I will Most likely always vote right…. But at least I have tangible evidence to point to as why. Secure bord...
I agree but also disagree. Yes I think it is a mistake to attack Kamala over and over as she will step On her own throat. But you cannot ignore the facts of history and throw this back in her face ...
Can I watch if I don’t have instagram?...
Texridder - typical liberal… says show my proof…. Is shown proof. Disappears and won’t speak. Cowards. I legit would love to hear from a die hard liberal what exactly they are so happy About in this country...
Name 1 positive from the last 4 years under the left. I literally cannot think of 1 item that the majority of Americans can consider a plus...
What leftist ideology is better than the right for wealthy people?...
Ok…. So please try to answer for me… why do they hate trump so much? I’m 38 and been following politics for most of my adult life. I still legitimately cannot understand the hatred for trump. And I’m talking about hatred that borders on psychosis. ...
All I can come up with is that they hate Trump that much. I run a high end golf club and for the most part most of my members are conservative, however there are several dozen that are so pro Left it blows my mind. How exactly has the left helped these wealthy people? Someone please try and explain ...
I’m a DOG at a high end club…. I played professionally for a while. I love Trump! Great golfer for 78 too. But he hasn’t won any club championships in the last decade lol. He may have won his flight or be the best over 65… but he wouldn’t win our club championship. Our club champion shot +5 over thr...
Considering no one will ever touch his all time hits number I think he deserves it...
[img]https://i.postimg.cc/rwSgmKTn/IMG-2955.png[/img] This was my wedding venue 3 weeks ago. Mountains all day...
This is the whole fricking problem with society. This guy is a pop culture icon. Think about that. Our future is bleak....
No it is fine. Leaving today from Cancun and all is well. Isla lost power but I believe it is back up....
Riding in Cancún currently. Hasn’t been awful. But the communist Mexican government doesn’t allow alcohol during hurricanes ...

re: Purgatory Resort?

Posted by AZTiger7072 on 7/4/24 at 5:30 pm
I am from Durango and just got Married at the top of paradise at 11k feet on top of the ski resort. As other have said. Small resort and they basically shut down in the summer staffing wise. But Durango is kick arse...
I am in Cancun now. Was on isla mujeres but was evacuated here. 30-35 mph winds. The Mexican government has banned the distribution of alcohol. All for a strong thunderstorm. I am not flying out till 7/6 at 4PM so I think we will be OK. But this government and their bullshite have made me never want ...
Ya the days after dunkirk most likely. But with the US full attention. Once they had our attention they were more like +500 to win...
The Four Seasons Lanai Stayed at the ritz kapalua and the four seasons made it seem like a holiday inn. Crazy resort. Highly recommend ...

re: Favorite vodka drinks

Posted by AZTiger7072 on 6/10/24 at 7:55 am
Vodka and soda with a tiny splash of cranberry ...