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They already started, was watching CNN yesterday and they were gushing over how great of a President Biden was and all the great things he did and how good Kamala was and oh...she was a prosecutor so Trump better watch out and she will get all the votes, yada yada. And their slogan will be Prosecut...
She will read from the teleprompter what the script writers give her and not take questions....
[quote]I'd feel that the country gets what it deserves.[/quote] This is the wrong sentiment I see posted alot. Most or half of the country does not deserve it....
That makes Johnson 2nd in charge right? Does that give any benefits on Senate side or for Election Results?...

re: Let’s put today in perspective.

Posted by Amblin on 7/21/24 at 5:26 pm
Trump should not debate anyone but Kamala, he can say Biden was and is the nominee regardless of what the Dems try to rig it with so he will not do any debates. Just have him and Vance give a bunch of town halls where they remind everyone how good we had it when Trump was president and compare it...
If we cannot verify each single vote was cast accurately by a live US citizen, we are in trouble....
They dont care about Joe, he is just the Manchurian candidate, he is not running the show and will not be if he even had a chance to win in Nov. ...

re: Trump's Best Speech Ever?

Posted by Amblin on 7/18/24 at 10:06 pm
I like how he is not mentioned Biden, just go after the administration...
Say Yes until you get in WH... that is the way!!!...
So she can say she was the first "black" woman to be President. They know she doe not know how to govern or that she has any hope to win 2024. It is just a virtual signaling thing and to see how much she can screw up the country in the few months she will be potus....

re: Question

Posted by Amblin on 7/13/24 at 10:43 pm
Heard that low wall part of stage was bullet proof? Also like others said they were waiting till threat was done or as best that they knew....
2 weeks tops this gets played, they will switch to "see we need gun control", the guys was crazy, "see we need more social programs". ...
Yes they had him on platform in a shell until they hear that Shooter down, then they were able to move him to car....

re: Another package for Ukraine

Posted by Amblin on 7/11/24 at 2:22 pm
How can they just keep giving and giving billions to this fraud. This is insane. WTF are we wasting money on Ukraine. Stop the funding and the damn war will end....
[quote]I just don't see how he stays in the race.[/quote] Don't care about Biden when you can cheat your way to a win....
My question is how many illegal ballots are enough to get an election overturned? 1, 50, if it is enough to cover the margin of victory? I hope Lara and whoever else is on watch to prevent the fraud already has processes in place to combat this as you know it will happen. Have 100 lawyers standin...