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Registered on:9/27/2011
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re: TAMU Traditions Thread.

Posted by XpressAg09 on 9/29/11 at 9:01 am
[quote]They are males and these "yells" are cheers. So, these males lead your student body in cheers[/quote] If I may ask, other than your school's fight song, when do you do what the cheerleader's say? When they hold up a sign that says "Go" and another sign that says "(Mascot)," do you hones...

re: TAMU Traditions Thread.

Posted by XpressAg09 on 9/29/11 at 8:57 am
[quote]Still, no aggy has broached what you're gonna do now that you can't saw horns off anything in the SEC[/quote] In all honesty, we've kept all the traditions that no one else understands for how long now? What makes you think we're about to change this one? Plus, we hate Texas (University...

re: TAMU Traditions Thread.

Posted by XpressAg09 on 9/28/11 at 10:08 am
[quote]like the Don't walk on the grass[/quote] This "tradition" is more of a sign of respect and only has jurisdiction on one building, the Memorial Student Center; a building meant to honor those fallen Aggies who died during their service of WWII. On a related note, Freshmen in the Corps ar...