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Location:Redbone Country
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Registered on:9/19/2011
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re: Habanero Help

Posted by BiggerBear on 7/23/24 at 3:53 pm
Grind them or blend them and mix with salt. Keep that (it's pepper mash) in a sealed container and use that to cook with since you can now use it in a repeatable measurable fashion. Remove the seeds before blending if you don't want seeds in your mash. Blend the mash with vinegar and strain the s...
[quote]I’ve researched online unsuccessfully but am curious if anyone has seen a case successfully brought against a local, state, or federal government for the following:[/quote] Based on the fact that you stated the "county" is trying to screw you, it is unlikely that any federal case is going ...
[quote]What’s your take on the emollients clause?[/quote] Where is there a clause about skin moisturizers?...
[quote]I did some research and the recommended SS [b]to freeze[/b] a bullet is between 100,000-300,000. I looked at the exif data for old frozen ball pitching shots and the shutter was between 1/3000-6500 to freeze a pitch. A college pitcher throws about 90mph while a bullet travels about 2,000mph.[...
[quote]Driver hit her and was issued a ticket. There were also witnesses in my mother in laws favor. The police have the info. But this lady told her company she didn't do it and it was my mil fault..she also said the witnesses were friends of my mother in law.[/quote] Get a dash cam people...
[quote]quote: Her company said that arbitration would need to take place... Subrogation not arbitration and that’s completely normal. She’ll get her deductible back[/quote] Arbitration is correct. When there is a dispute between insurers who are both members of Arbitration Forums, Inc., the...
Check to see if you have your Number Lock on ("NumLk" key)....
Please note that the ' symbol is not for degrees. For that you use the ° symbol. To type that, hold down the ALT key, type 176, and then release the ALT key. Google Earth doesn't find any results for West 41 minutes, 43 minutes, 50 seconds . . ....

re: How get get rid of Bahia grass

Posted by BiggerBear on 7/1/24 at 10:06 pm
Is there anything else mixed in that you want to keep?...

re: Saw my first coral snake ever

Posted by BiggerBear on 6/23/24 at 10:29 pm
[quote]I realize these things don’t really bite people but miss me with that.[/quote] They are shy snakes so there aren't really that many encounters. But they will strike. People are most commonly struck on the hands or arms, either reaching into cover where the snakes are or playing with them u...
Project Farm has you covered. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyVCEbfrU-c[/embed]...
[quote] Can you point in this case where it’s merited to the point where a parent should say “frick it, put him through the system so he learns”?[/quote] Let's see, he is charged with breaking into a dwelling to commit a crime (burglary) and he had possesison of an illegal drug. Maybe you think ...

re: Advice needed for riding mower

Posted by BiggerBear on 6/11/24 at 3:24 pm
[quote]You can pick up a little scrap to patch with from almost anywhere. I stand by it, a 6 pack will get it done.[/quote] Agree. Doesn't look bad. If I were close, I'd do it for little with scrap I already have laying around....

re: Red Snapper Quota

Posted by BiggerBear on 6/4/24 at 8:19 am
[quote]WLF is still claiming that over 160,000# were landed in the first week of recreational season, or more than 17% of the annual quota. In a week when we could only get offshore 1 day in a 26’ Catamaran because of the wind and seas. Reports I saw suggested the weather kept most boats in port acr...

Need some tools?

Posted by BiggerBear on 6/2/24 at 8:50 pm
Another Bonnette auction. This one is loaded with tools, some new in box. Most seem related to metal fabrication, but there is a lot of other stuff too. [link=(https://bid.bonnetteauctions.com/auctions/29444-surplus-tool-auction?filter=(auction_ring_id:3))]First Batch[/link] [link=(https://bid...

re: Bahia Grass Control in Bermuda

Posted by BiggerBear on 5/30/24 at 9:38 am
[quote]won't that severely damage the bermuda?[/quote] You're right, I was thinking centipede....
Not a soil type and not perfect, but have you considered [link=(https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0B1LN7VPK/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1)]permeable pavers[/link] (Amazon Link)?...

re: Fewer yard hummingbirds.

Posted by BiggerBear on 5/28/24 at 9:14 am
[quote] When nesting, you see a huge decrease in feeder activity. The birds concentrate on catching insects, as those are necessary for egg development and for feeding babies.[/quote] This is the answer. Also, check to see how many mimosa trees are in your area. Hummingbirds will ignore feeders ...

re: Bahia Grass Control in Bermuda

Posted by BiggerBear on 5/28/24 at 9:09 am
Atrazine will work but needs several applications....
I use T-Boy's seasoning. It doesn't have the garlic that Tony's has. As much as I like Tony's on most meats, garlic isn't a flavor that I like on eggs for breakfast....