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Location:Hotel California
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Registered on:8/29/2011
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re: Tomato plant flowers falling off

Posted by Capt ST on 7/26/24 at 7:20 am
[quote]Make yourself a big batch of pesto and freeze it in ice cube trays. You can eat pesto until next season.[/quote] I’ve done this once already, doing it again this weekend. My Thai basil is just as big and dropping seeds so now I have it coming up volunteer all over the place. Going to make...

re: Hummingbird migration

Posted by Capt ST on 7/25/24 at 10:40 pm
I went and got a feeder like I said and sat on back porch waiting, nada. This afternoon I see one flying between mimosa trees, haven’t touched the feeder....

re: 2024 Spring Garden Thread

Posted by Capt ST on 7/25/24 at 9:14 pm
I don’t have much a yard here, almost a 1/4 of the backyard is now a melon patch and growing. It’s amazing how quickly they grow, marble sized to ping pong almost overnight....

re: 2024 Spring Garden Thread

Posted by Capt ST on 7/25/24 at 8:47 pm
My purple hulls are watching their first sunset. I now have close to 20 sugar baby watermelons. I’m about to go pick one and put in fridge for tomorrow. Squash, peppers and cucumbers going strong, tomatoes have been a bust. I’ve got 3 more plants in ground, hopefully fall crop does better....

re: Anyone been bit by a brown recluse?

Posted by Capt ST on 7/23/24 at 8:33 pm
Guy I was in basic with got bit on cheek, put a hole thru it and had to have surgery to fix it. Consolation prize, when he got it cleared up he got to restart....

re: Tomato plant flowers falling off

Posted by Capt ST on 7/23/24 at 8:28 pm
Probably the heat. Having the same problem, got a few fruits to set when it got down in the low 60s couple weeks ago. ...
Top flight security of the world, Craig. ...

re: GMT

Posted by Capt ST on 7/23/24 at 4:25 am
Good morning ...

re: Hummingbird migration

Posted by Capt ST on 7/22/24 at 8:58 pm
Just saw a couple of black-chinned hummingbirds here in TX panhandle. They are feeding in tree next to house. I’m getting a feeder out tomorrow and try to get some pics with my flip phone. Pretty damn cool, first time I’ve seen one....

re: GMT

Posted by Capt ST on 7/22/24 at 5:31 am
Morning everyone ...

re: Fish identification

Posted by Capt ST on 7/21/24 at 9:46 pm
Channel mullet...
I’ve made roasted red pepper ketchup or sauce in the past when I had an abundance of tomatoes and peppers. While I dice up a bunch of peppers to store in freezer, just not that big of a fan....
Bought the Tristar for my daughter years ago. Love that thing. It’s held up remarkably well for being used predominantly in salt and brackish marsh. She petite and still uses it a good bit. ...

re: 2024 Spring Garden Thread

Posted by Capt ST on 7/19/24 at 10:01 pm
I started digging up the rest of the bermuda on side of the house this afternoon. Going to plant some purple hulls and some more squash and zucchini. I went to pull the determinate tomatoes plants and noticed I’ve got some fruit now. Guess the cool snap helped, they are loaded with buds so hopefully...
[quote]most of our computers are on a endless reboot, or they have blue screens. We are being told it was a patch issue.[/quote] Same, got email around 4am stating the problem had been fixed and should only be isolated issues. Just walked thru the office and there’s a ton of blue screens in reco...
I think our IT dept may have overstated their fix. Just walked thru the office and there’s a ton of blue screens in recovery mode....
Just got an email from IT dept, it reads most of the problems have been resolved. If still having issues, reboot safe mode and remove problem file that was pushed out....
Motion to extend the meeting beyond 10:30. :lol:...

re: 2024 Spring Garden Thread

Posted by Capt ST on 7/18/24 at 6:54 pm
Pillage, how often do you fertilize your melons? Haven’t done it in a few weeks, went from a few marbled sized on 7/4 to a couple close to volleyball sized. First time to grow them. ...