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Location:Comfy, AF
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re: Weight Loss Plateau Frustration

Posted by hashtag on 7/26/24 at 9:46 am
[quote]Unless he is on gear, he is not gaining 2-4 lbs of muscle a month as an "Older" person.[/quote]depends on what "older" is. 67 is a lot different than 42. Macros is a good place to look. Especially making sure you are getting enough protein. One thing not mentioned is rest. Are you getti...

re: Weight Loss Plateau Frustration

Posted by hashtag on 7/26/24 at 8:34 am
[quote] I started a plan last August 8th and have been pretty consistent all year. Routine I'm Older and sit at a computer for work 8-9 hours per day: 1. Fast Walk two miles daily 12-14 miles per week. 2. Home gym workout in garage 3-4 x week with free weights/kettle ball. 3. Dr gave me Sax...
[quote]But the early polls don’t reflect that. [/quote]Those polls that have 70% Democrats voting in them and Kamal up by 1 or 2 points?...
1. Everyone responds to loss differently. And everyone responds differently at different times. Don't judge yourself (or anyone else) for feeling different than someone else who has experienced loss, even if it is the same loved one that you lost. 2. The most unexpected feeling I've ever had af...

re: Creatine and weight loss

Posted by hashtag on 7/26/24 at 5:21 am
As others have said, you can take the creative. You may see a stall on the scale. But, it won't keep you from losing fat, which is what you're really after....

re: GMT

Posted by hashtag on 7/26/24 at 5:12 am
[img]https://media.tenor.com/images/11b42303d6baecd5469d8971bb233d17/tenor.gif[/img] top of the day...
Both will be in the Secret Service by next week....
Dan is going off of inside sources from within the Secret Service. You know, the completely incompetent team that led to this entire shite show. Not sure why he has so much trust in this information. I can see him trusting people in the Secret Service that he personally knows. But, how does he kn...
He should've said something to the affect of, "you know there is one thing that Kamala has achieved that I haven't. I've never prosecuted scores of black men and had them sent to prison."...

re: TDS is such a fascinating phenomenon

Posted by hashtag on 7/20/24 at 2:31 pm
8 down votes for stating a fact that is easily verifiable with a quick search. 1 down vote per year that Trump was an actual Democrat....

re: TDS is such a fascinating phenomenon

Posted by hashtag on 7/20/24 at 12:27 pm
[quote]Imagine if he was an actual staunch conservative and not a historical moderate who spent most of his life as a New York democrat.[/quote] Go look up Trump's voter registration record. He was a Democrat for 8 years of his entire life. That's it. Stop repeating this media lie....

re: Crowdstrike

Posted by hashtag on 7/20/24 at 12:17 pm
[quote]Can't most RMM tools do this?[/quote]I'd think most would be disabled in Safe mode, no? Maybe using pxe boot would be an option? I wrote a script that uses wmi to remove the file and then reboot the host. But, we had to get them in Safe Mode with networking first for that to work. ...

re: When Vance Kissed The Ring

Posted by hashtag on 7/15/24 at 4:55 pm
[quote]He had been a Democrat his entire life.[/quote]you know, you can actually look up his voting registration records. You might be surprised to find out that in his entire adult life, he was only a Democrat for 8 years. And those 8 years were the entirely of Bush Jr.'s presidency....
DeSantis is much more important in governing Florida than he is in doing whatever it is that a VP does anyway. ...

re: Tulsi

Posted by hashtag on 7/15/24 at 12:57 pm
[quote]Ron should be the VP pick. It would galvanize the party, and cause a biblical melt on the left. Ron would wipe the floor with her in a debate.[/quote]meh. VP is a worthless position. Ron is much more valuable as Governor of Florida, or some other role in the administration. ...
Elbows are nasty business. I took an elbow to my eyelid playing basketball. Slit it open. Could close my eye and still see thru the slit. Drew is gonna be sitting out for awhile for that to heal....
I'd dismiss myself from the interview. I don't want to work for a company that asks stupid questions during interviews....

re: Jay just posted a tiger emoji...

Posted by hashtag on 7/10/24 at 3:38 pm
That @64Analytics tweet doesn't sound like any player entering the portal or committing. It sounds more like a coaching change that would open up an entire team for entering the portal. An individual player isn't really a "sizeable ripple" in the SEC....
[quote]Does anyone of value disagree? [/quote] :lol:...

re: NHL 2023-2024 Thread

Posted by hashtag on 6/24/24 at 9:57 pm
And we get to see one of the last sports where each player shows dignity and class in winning or losing. Love to see it....