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Location:Jacksonville, GA
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Registered on:7/3/2011
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No, the first one is easily the best. If anything, IV is the most overrated....

re: Obscure Movie Trivia

Posted by dawgdayafternoon on 7/21/24 at 3:53 pm
The same character is in both of those movies?...

re: Kamala IS NOT BLACK

Posted by dawgdayafternoon on 7/21/24 at 3:15 pm
[quote]Fat Bastard[/quote] Found the racist :lol:...

re: Kamala IS NOT BLACK

Posted by dawgdayafternoon on 7/21/24 at 1:38 pm
[quote]And people from Jamaica are ….., black. [/quote] Her dad is clearly black. The picture from stout is fake news....

re: Kamala IS NOT BLACK

Posted by dawgdayafternoon on 7/21/24 at 1:36 pm
[quote]Her dad is from Jamaica[/quote] So she is black...

re: Biden officially out

Posted by dawgdayafternoon on 7/21/24 at 1:33 pm
I’ve never seen such a high number of miserable fricks in an internet thread in all of my life....
Gillis: We need more retarded guys, I don’t think we’ve seen enough. (disabled guy walks out and flips off the crowd) Ray: Well well well… :lol:...
Only other one I would’ve figured to go was Tate....
I agree with most on here. It was a fun watch. Netflix finally made an action/comedy that wasn’t awful....

re: 2024 countdown thread

Posted by dawgdayafternoon on 7/3/24 at 7:39 am
[img]https://jetswire.usatoday.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/66/2016/01/jordan-jenkins-e1461983681749.jpg?w=1000&h=600&crop=1[/img] Jordan Jenkins ...

re: 2024 countdown thread

Posted by dawgdayafternoon on 7/2/24 at 6:28 am
[img]https://ugawire.usatoday.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/31/2020/07/usatsi_3676788.jpg[/img] Clint Boling ...

re: 2024 countdown thread

Posted by dawgdayafternoon on 7/1/24 at 8:29 am
This one is on my watchlist but I have no idea where to find it. Amazon?...

re: 2024 countdown thread

Posted by dawgdayafternoon on 6/24/24 at 6:07 am
[img]https://media.bleacherreport.com/f_auto,w_630,h_420,q_auto,c_fill/br-img-images/001/651/355/338447_original_crop_north.jpg[/img] Chris Burnette ...
TIL Ron Swanson was in Sin City [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FW3_uMtXEAEA9Yf.jpg[/img]...
It was really bad and incredibly stupid. However, it made me laugh so I kinda enjoyed it. Netflix has had some hit TV shows and mini-series but I can’t remember the last time they had a good original movie....

re: 2024 countdown thread

Posted by dawgdayafternoon on 6/23/24 at 7:46 am
[img]https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/arhYJpKjHI8HvbBH5XQ3daPUyLw=/1400x1400/filters:format(jpeg)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/23223172/usa_today_17493737.jpg[/img] Jamaree Salyer ...

re: 2024 countdown thread

Posted by dawgdayafternoon on 6/21/24 at 5:45 am
[img]https://media.bleacherreport.com/f_auto,w_630,h_420,q_auto,c_fill/br-img-images/001/674/195/uspw_3596326_crop_north.jpg[/img] Cordy Glenn ...

re: 2024 countdown thread

Posted by dawgdayafternoon on 6/19/24 at 3:20 am
[img]https://s3media.247sports.com/Uploads/Assets/848/418/9418848.jpg[/img] Xavier Truss ...