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Registered on:6/1/2011
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Exactly what kind of police force does the Secret Service think Bethel, PA has? This is all on the Secret Service....

re: What makes the left so violent?

Posted by redandright on 7/13/24 at 10:51 pm
[quote]you were told someone was literally Hitler and a threat to democracy all the time you would probably be violent towards them as well. The media constantly disparages the right and the weak minded left are brainwashed in to violence.[/quote] I thought about this after NYT writer Ezra Kle...
[quote]The researchers offer a simple explanation for the difference. In other Western nations, specialist visits are more tightly regulated by governing bodies of the healthcare systems, and specialist visits almost always require a referral from a general practitioner. In the United States, a majo...
So much for turning Texas blue. Not that they ever had a chance....
[quote]There's a reason Merrick Garland is hiding the Biden recordings.[/quote] If the Hur audio is leaked, then that means Obama’s had enough....
They have no choice. She’s the only person who has access to the campaign funds....
Jill should have never gone after the Staff. Now, they’re just trying to save themselves....
[quote]Four Seasons restaurant in New York in June of 2023 where the President became “Very stiff…almost like a kind of rigor mortis[/quote] That definitely sounds like Parkinson’s....
[quote]Do they assist the many jihadist groups in the middle east with targeting packages, intel?[/quote] You don’t think that that’s been going on all over the world for forever? They’ve been trying to subvert the US since the Bolshevik Revolution, both here and abroad....

re: Looks like it's Carson.

Posted by redandright on 6/23/24 at 7:29 am
[quote]Won't swing a state Won't bring any more of the black vote Isn't inspiring at all Adds to the fears of age (72 and 79 on one ticket)[/quote] While I don’t think that VPs help swing a state, a solid pick might swing reluctant voters who are worried about Harris being Joe’s successor. I ...

re: Looks like it's Carson.

Posted by redandright on 6/23/24 at 7:25 am
[quote]You have got to be kidding me. Kamala had 1% of the support in the primaries, first one to drop out, abrasive cackling[/quote] She was part of the deal to get James Clyburn to endorse Biden, which put him over in SC and sealed the deal for him. ...
You better hope that he can do that, and not wander off in a daze. That way they won’t pull him for somebody with a pulse....
[quote]Reagan was a great President, but in retrospect he made a couple of major, major mistakes. This was likely his worst one. [/quote] Why would anybody double down on Reagan’s mistake-which was believing that Democrats were sincere about immigration reform. This happened forty years ago. We’...
[quote]They come here to America for college.: they learn our culture.. they graduate and they contribute something positive to our society.[/quote] You’re going to give them to all of those Hamas supporters here on visas?...
[quote]Trump said those that meet the proper vetting.[/quote] Can’t wait to see what the Democrats do with this. As I said, if Trump were a millipede, he’d already have run out of feet to shoot himself in. I want Trump to win, just to stop the horrible things Biden is doing to this country, one o...
[quote]The good news here is that the anti-Trumpers have a better understanding of Trump's immigration policy and they can make a more informed choice on election day. They can vote for Biden and continue with existing immigration policy or vote for Trump and implement the most conservative immigrat...
[quote]Evidence of the middens indicate that Watson Brake may have been used as a "base by mobile hunter-gatherers from summer through fall[/quote] In other words, it was their camp....
[quote]started another thread in response to this lol[/quote] Don’t wanna brag, but I was first. :nana:...

re: Trump's Immigration Policy.

Posted by redandright on 6/20/24 at 10:04 pm
Your devotion is heart warming. Who’s cutting onions in here???...