Favorite team:Los Angeles Dodgers 
Location:The Mojave Desert
Biography:Ridding the world of psycho-babble, one shame-based inner-child at a time.
Interests:golf, wine, blues guitar
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Registered on:8/20/2003
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[quote]I see many agencies and individuals overstep their authority on the left and nothing happens. If he had balls he would deport them and dare the Feds to do something about it.[/quote]You don't know what you're talking about. Do you know what the first rule of holes is?...


Posted by L.A. on 7/26/24 at 5:10 pm
But wait, there's more [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GTYMcvXXMAEiTaR?format=jpg&name=medium[/img]...
[quote]He's still not deporting them. Political grand standing at best. Treason at worst.[/quote] Since immigration falls under the jurisdiction of the federal govt I'm not sure a governor has the power to deport anyone...
:bow: :usa: [embed]https://twitter.com/leslibless/status/1816944937176273118[/embed]...


Posted by L.A. on 7/26/24 at 4:55 pm
:rotflmao: [embed]https://twitter.com/PapiTrumpo/status/1816506379445891356[/embed]...
[quote]This is exactly why the democrats didn’t want to lose control of X.[/quote]...
:nana: :bow: [embed]https://twitter.com/EndWokeness/status/1816651850583576578[/embed]...
[quote]They want to defund the police while also trying to control our gun usage...that is how terrible they are.[/quote] Yep. Once upon a time I scoffed at conspiracy theories involving our govt. Not any more...
[quote]They either were arrogant enough to think they could cover up everything or they were scrambling too badly dealing with Biden to realize the scope of their problems with her.[/quote] And with Elon Musk owning Twitter this time around the media aren't going to be able to bury stories like thi...
[quote]Yep... all the left and their media does is lie. And dems could not care less.[/quote]...
El Ketchupo is still on the loose...