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[quote]BenchSims is a textbook alter. You're welcome. [/quote] Alert!!! ilovebama is a textbook tattletale! ...
[quote] Sure, we will all pay a price to do this,[/quote] I thought the government was broke?[quote] Why should you be legally responsible for my welfare?[/quote] [quote] We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility...
[quote] Yes, it is an issue that the majority of Americans with absolutely little money-sense runs into, but I have faith that the regular MTBs' are intelligent enough to invest intelligently and within their means. [/quote] :lol: OK. last time I checked being smart didn't exclude you from investmen...
[quote]But should they? That's the bigger question. [/quote] In a civilized society should government act as a last resort for ensuring its citizens do not die of starvation or exposure? Seriously? [quote] The whole you rights end where mine begin thing. [/quote] Do right wingers ever ...
[quote]Let me have access to my own damn money to invest, save, or spend as I choose. [/quote] When you lose it on bad investments and are left destitute and too old to work the government will step in anyway. ...
[quote] The entire argument that "they paid in their entire life and deserve it" is true for the elderly, but what about all of the youth that are paying into a system now that they will never benefit from without drastic adjustments?[/quote] The needed adjustments aren't really that drastic...
[quote]So you're saying the Treasury has zero dollars? [/quote] No. ...
[quote], I think you're predictably jumping to doom and gloom conclusions suggesting they would crash, which obviously feeds into your following point.[/quote] The value of any debt obligations plummets when the debtor stops making interest payments or when the market has reason to believe it may...
[quote] That's very much a chicken/egg question. If they print money and thus prevent treasuries from "crashing," then its irrelevant. [/quote] That won't keep treasuries from crashing. If anything it will do the opposite. No one wants to tie $1 up in debt for a year if they think $1 wi...
[quote] The 2% rule is a joke. Good luck getting that within the first 5 years of owning a property.[/quote] I can believe that based on the prices I've seen at places we've looked at and the rents they are getting. Its more like the 1% rule. I'm fine with that at first, we mainly want a dupl...
[quote] if you are thinking of getting into IRE I would learn the 2% and 50% rule. It is a good evaluation system for a beginning investor. [/quote] Cool, thanks [quote] The 50-2 rule is very basic. First, the 50% part of the rule says that 50% of your rental revenue from the property will be ...
[quote]40-50% of rents is a good conservative estimate. 40% if you manage yourself, closer to 50 if you go with property management. [/quote] And that doesn't include things like property taxes, the mortgage interest - things that can be determined beforehand - that's just the cost to do repai...
[quote]You fail. If they don't raise the debt ceiling, the Fed will just create more dollars to pay off any debt payments.[/quote] :lol: Sorry that's not how it works. The U.S. Treasury is only entitled to the Fed's profits - and after U.S. Treasuries tank, the Fed will take massive losses. [...
[quote] that will make me really pissed at my congressman if enough people got pissed, maybe they would start to pay attention to what their elected representatives are doing [/quote] It won't matter dude, we'll all be broke! The government won't be able to do dick about anything then beca...
Is there some sort of rule of thumb I can use to gauge an upper limit to what the cost is to maintain a rental unit? Or can you tell me what you've paid in the past on average?...
[quote] the problem is that congressmen weren't discussing these issues the past 3-4 years or so [/quote] That doesn't really mean they are going to be able to come to an agreement before May - in fact, it would seem to suggest the opposite. [quote] then why do we need to raise the debt ceilin...
[quote] i like how you dehumanize the problem with a term like "long term solvency issues" [/quote] Wow, now that's some feigned outrage! [b]You can't dehumanize something that isn't a human. [/b][quote]we have 6 things that need to be cut dramatically, across all government 1. medicare 2. wel...
[quote] we're going to have to bite this bullet some time [/quote] I see no logic behind destroying the finances of most everyone on the planet because we are facing some long term solvency issues. ...
[quote] Debt default; however, means that you are unable (or have no intention) to make payments that are currently or past due. [/quote] There's no reason to believe that if the ceiling is raised in May it won't result in default. It will certainly make the market believe that default could be...
[quote] Why the hell are Medicare and SS grouped in as the same "entitlements" as Medicaid or other gov't handouts?[/quote] Its mostly done by younger people who have zero respect for their elders. They don't really value the fact that the people receiving Social Security Retirement and Medicare...