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I lost my mom a few years ago and have felt overwhelming guilt for not spending more time with her. Ironically, I lived next door to her, spoke with her daily for most of my life, and visited her frequently. In many ways, she was my best friend. Still, all I could think about was that I should have ...
Get a van, wife begrudgingly bought an Odyssey. Now she will never not own a van....
I see nothing that changes my mind about anything. May he rot in prison....
In most of these cases I don’t think officers should be jailed for a split second mistake. Usually I favor being banned from law enforcement for life as the disciplinary action. However, in this case, he needs to go to prison for murder, because that is what this was....
Let's entertain the conspiracy theory: Biden refuses to drop out of the race. Then, a medical emergency leaves him incapacitated, and a fake dropout letter is issued. A week later, we learn Biden has passed away, and Harris is sworn in. Why issue the dropout letter? Why not simply announce the medic...
[b]The Only Two Options [/b] The Secret Service is incompetent, and has been for a while now. Zero chance incompetence only happens the day a shooter decides to show up. Or, they had intel that this idiot was going to attempt to shoot Trump and they let it play out. There really aren’t any ot...

re: Biden In Hospice?

Posted by cssamerican on 7/23/24 at 12:28 am
[embed]https://youtu.be/Vs0WwFeEjMI?si=TgXUmBquyTKYjNbJ[/embed] Interesting questions about the drop out letter....
It would be hilarious if we find out he isn’t dropping out and the whole thing was some staffer gone rouge....

re: Why is buying underwear so hard?

Posted by cssamerican on 7/21/24 at 5:55 pm
I’ve wore Puma, Rebooks, Adidas, and Under Armor. All of them were just fine. Get the short length ones, and there really isn’t much material that can ride up....

re: Shapiro endorses Kamala

Posted by cssamerican on 7/21/24 at 5:43 pm
[quote]Shapiro may be her VP[/quote] No way, the anti-Israel wing of the party would not stand for that....
So walking around is strenuous enough excise to induce a vascular rash on your lower legs? Wow, how do people get so out of shape, especially younger people?...
[quote]Hell, I figure going full charter won’t necessarily hurt because that fixed Orleans Parish schools post-Katrina.[/quote] Did it? New Orleans is currently a C district, EBR is currently a C district. ...
[quote]The board members not wanting Smith want an outsider with no connections to the District. Someone with a fresh perspective and has no political ties to anyone currently there. Someone with with innovative ideas regarding public education that has had success dealing with a majority minority p...
[quote]Anybody know what was decided? I turned it off & fell asleep about 12:30 and it was still going on. They were asking to appoint Smith for a one year term while they start the search over.[/quote] They attempted a 90 day contract with Smith in which they would notify him of a cancellation of ...
Watching this encapsulates everything wrong with Louisiana, serving as a stark warning to all. As a white Republican, I believe the white members of this Board are at fault. It's not about race, but about money and the dangerous influence of big business in government. Their unwillingness to listen ...
[quote]What is it on?[/quote] YouTube [link=(https://www.youtube.com/live/aAKXMJ-mFgQ?si=9ceLaHctixNcwAY1)]Meeting Link[/link]...
The family of the deceased should sue them into oblivion. Precedent has been set....
[quote]That’s part of what they were doing - implementing a flat tax instead of brackets.[/quote] It sounds like what they are doing is lowering rates today and expanding what is taxed without eliminating a taxing method. This will allow them in the future to make smaller rate increases without as ...
[quote]Lower many of the state taxes Louisiana collects, but collect them from more sources.[/quote] NO! The tax code should be simplified, easy to understand, and from one method, pick either sales, income, or property....

re: Morning grass cutting rules

Posted by cssamerican on 7/12/24 at 7:40 am
[quote]Don’t cut wet grass. You should mow in late afternoon.[/quote] You just got to mow before the dew sets, they put lights on those things for a reason :lol:...