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Registered on:2/21/2011
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re: Worst QBs to win a national title

Posted by Bham4Tide on 7/26/24 at 6:29 am
[quote]Barker was the worst NC winning QB at Bama to win[/quote]...

re: Disappointed in Trump team...

Posted by Bham4Tide on 7/25/24 at 5:06 am
[quote]Disappointed in Trump team...[/quote] Because Trump shouldn’t be the nominee. Deep down, we all know it....
I bundle everything on Apple: It gives you Apple TV+, Apple Music, Apple Arcade, Apple News (which is a great collection to hundreds of news/science/history articles and magazines/newspapers all in one), and 2 TB of iCloud. Well worth the cost imo....
So he wears elevator shoes in all his movies to appear taller. Hmm. ...
How is this thread still going? Is anyone actually watching this show? ...
And so it begins. The ONE thing the left didn’t want to see. People coming out of the Trump closet after his near tragedy. We have to welcome them with open arms....
I don’t know. I’ve seen many even on here say they turned the speech off - I did. And a I haven’t listened to a single pundit today. It was disappointing. All he had to do is ask if people are better off than his Presidency. That’s pretty much it - and then point out inflation, wars, the borde...

re: CNN tried to call speech rambling

Posted by Bham4Tide on 7/19/24 at 6:07 am
[quote]Im as conservative and MAGA as they come. Missed opportunity[/quote] I’m hoping it was not-quite-good-enough that it keeps Biden in the race. Ha. ...
[quote]Should be Bryant-Saban Stadium. We already have Denny Chimes.[/quote] They have to leave something for DeBoar once he racks up 10 national championships....
There are a ton of guys with beards in their 30s and 40s . . . and a ton of ladies that love them....
I can’t be the only one who thinks that maybe the Gass dude (the least famous one of D) is “taking one for the team” - leaving the money guy, Jack Black, to be left relatively scarless after their sketch didn’t go as planned. Not saying that happened . . . but it crossed my mind (even before the ...
[quote]And Karl Rove![/quote] [quote]Is he having a cow too??? shite, it's just getting better and better.[/quote] To be honest, I’d rather these guys be on my side. Not the other way around. ...
Some of the scores from the first few Star Trek (the originals) films were simply amazing - especially TMP, Wrath of Kahn and Voyage Home. ...
[quote]Youngkin (because of Va), DeSantis (because he could actually do the job of fixing DOJ/DHS), Vivek (because rhetorically there's nobody in his league), or maybe even the young guy from TX there's a thread right now - they'd have been more productive choices.[/quote] I would say it’s a head...
Wow. What a horrible pick. You have some momentum and blow it. Trump can’t pick shite right. Good Lord this pisses me off. That guy will not move the needle a centimeter....
Someone, somewhere was told that renters are voters too. Just trying to move the needle....
Vance would be the most underwhelming pick ever. He does absolutely Zero to move the ticket....