Favorite team:LSU 
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Registered on:9/4/2003
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[quote]There’s just a ton of unknowns to say in July we should be pre season#1.[/quote] You only argued against the accuracy of preseason polls in July. With what we know today, is LSU better than everyone or not? If you’ve researched it deeper than BA, let us know. ...
[quote]And i honestly cannot stand their long-winded questions. [/quote] Long winded questions wouldn’t be the worst thing. They had William Schmidt on for an hour and asked him maybe 3 questions. The rest of the time was selling him on the college experience that he already committed to. ...
[quote]Will a lack of divisions cause you to pull for or against other SEC teams differently?[/quote] Definitely. Hopefully Bama can knock off UGA or Texas for us. ...
[quote]No clear weekend starters on the mound. [/quote] I’d say that’s a great thing since one of them is the top pitching prospect in the 25 draft. [link=(https://syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/10128136-2025-mlb-mock-draft-early-predictions-for-top-1st-round-baseball-prospects.amp.html)]LI...
[quote]P Michael Gillen to Clemson[/quote] [quote]19 appearances and a 0.34 ERA in 26.2 innings[/quote] [img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/xULW8MYvpNOfMXfDH2/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952qezuq4pbg8nfikausausuu6jk4r8vzl7mlyt4332&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img]...
Hasn’t Ruckert been playing some OF at the showcases? No doubt he can hit to play out there. ...

re: Game 1 Starting outfield?

Posted by lsu711 on 7/17/24 at 11:27 am
Larson hit .300 with almost all SEC/postseason ABs and is playing very well in Cape Cod. Pearson is a career .256 hitter. That’ll need to improve. Brown is in a similar boat, but younger player with room to grow. There are spots for Stanfield, Beck, Frey to go win. ...
[quote]We have plans for a house that we want to build that costs roughly $450k.[/quote] Roughly 450K is actually $600K - at a minimum. ...
The outfield will be very interesting. Pearson, Brown, Larson back. Stanfield and Curiel will be big factors. Beck and Frey can play out there. Young Pearson too. Then DH like you said. If it’s Jones, Milam, Braswell, Dickinson around the infield. That leaves the odd men out in the OF plus Yamin,...


Posted by lsu711 on 7/16/24 at 2:20 pm
Hometown Braves just took a RH 1B. That has to be good news for the P&G. ...
[quote]What is the significance of 7?[/quote] It started when Ivan Naccarata passed the captainship to Hollander. Then Grant Dozar carried us to a national title. ...
Call me an optimist, but that sounds like Jay not letting go. ...
What is Brody Colvin up to these days?...
Hardly anyone had Christian Moore going before Konnor. ...
His Dad’s tweet seemed to indicate he’s at home. [embed]https://x.com/bucoachgriffin/status/1812551714420982024?s=46[/embed]...
Let’s not forget. Konnor reclassified from 25 to 24 so he could start his college recruitment. ...
Have yall talked about this quote tweet? [embed]https://x.com/vcervinopg/status/1812591110566408657?s=46[/embed]...
Truth is, Jay needs to implement the Skip philosophy. Sign the best at Catholic every year and build the team out from there. ...