Favorite team:Atlanta Braves 
Interests:Football, flying, killing cancer
Number of Posts:24891
Registered on:12/25/2010
Online Status:Not Online

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Hey Boro. Thanks for posting this.

That is great information guys. I really appreciate it.
Thanks guys. Totally meant to put this in the Auburn board. I appreciate the suggestions and condolences .
Recently my 20 year old nephew passed away. He was autistic and was highly functional but had a seizure in the middle of the night and had a heart attack. He was a remarkable person who got to have his dream job of working at chick fil a and he was one that never had a bad day. Constantly happy

re: Rick Scott now favorite on Polymarket

Posted by flyAU on 11/10/24 at 4:11 pm
Unless they make the voting public, the betting odds mean nothing.
Just moved here a year ago. Pleasantly suprised that they are paper ballots and very nicely run. I think my vote here will mean more than if I was still in Ga.
Am I the only one triggered by the F-117's engines being basically an F-22's? Also flying one in the daytime never happened. It is called the nighthawk for a reason.

Loving the game other than my aviation gripes.
I love my waymos but if competition drives down prices then I am game.

re: Trump internal polls show him up big

Posted by flyAU on 10/10/24 at 1:48 pm
Someone explain why internal polls are better. Why don’t normal pollsters just do what internal pollsters do?

NVM. Just read someone explaining it.

re: Characterize Walz’s demeanor

Posted by flyAU on 10/1/24 at 10:15 pm
Why does his mouth look like a muppet when he talks?

re: Avis is screwing me over

Posted by flyAU on 8/27/24 at 11:34 pm
I will say that if Avis or any other rentals pull this they better send photographic evidence of what they are charging for and send it with the email.

re: Avis is screwing me over

Posted by flyAU on 8/27/24 at 11:19 pm
[quote]have a hard time believing this. A rental comes with a light cleaning including. If they are going to charge $450, it was a hell of a lot more than some sand that took them 5 minutes to vacuum. Do you know for a fact that they are even charging you for the sand or if it was something else?

re: Interesting Poll Out of AZ

Posted by flyAU on 8/27/24 at 11:08 pm
I am just here to add that this is a candidate for mayor of Scottsdale that I will be voting for.

re: Avis is screwing me over

Posted by flyAU on 8/26/24 at 10:37 pm
It wasn’t even enough to worth mentioning.

Avis is screwing me over

Posted by flyAU on 8/26/24 at 10:30 pm
So I got a rental car from Avis on my trip back home. They upgraded me to a Rav 4. I went to put our bags in the back and noticed it had Florida plates and noticed some sand in the back cargo. I didn’t really care as it wasn’t a ton and wanted to get along with our trip.

I drove the car aroun

re: Going to my first political rally

Posted by flyAU on 8/21/24 at 7:06 pm
Gross? History is not gross. Never been to one. I support Trump and it’s a Friday. Why not?

Going to my first political rally

Posted by flyAU on 8/21/24 at 6:37 pm
Wife and I will be in Glendale for Trumps rally on Friday. :USA: