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Registered on:12/16/2010
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re: 2025 Spring Garden Thread

Posted by Devious on 1/17/25 at 4:37 pm
Started peppers today. It's the most wonderful time of the year.

re: 2025 Spring Garden Thread

Posted by Devious on 1/15/25 at 7:04 am
...waiting on seeds...will start peppers as soon as they arrive.

re: 2024 Fall Garden Thread

Posted by Devious on 1/10/25 at 12:14 pm

I need to sit down and start planning.
I've got my spring garden planned. I intended on getting peppers started next week, but we're going to be stuck in TN longer than planned due to the snow. I'll be a few days behind right off the bat :lol:

re: Path of Exile 2, looks great

Posted by Devious on 12/23/24 at 5:37 pm
It's an asinine qualifier. The game isn't going to stay as it is...because it's in early access. It's already been patched with more in the works. You're just being a contrarian. Typical for you.

re: Path of Exile 2, looks great

Posted by Devious on 12/22/24 at 2:05 pm
Your expectations are unrealistic. The whole reason they only released half of the campaign was to get their take on end game in players' hands so they knew where to tweak and adjust. They've already made some changes. For an early access game out a little over two weeks, GGG is doing a great job.

re: Path of Exile 2, looks great

Posted by Devious on 12/22/24 at 5:45 am
You do understand the point of an early access game, right? And you are familiar with GGG? Right?

re: Path of Exile 2, looks great

Posted by Devious on 12/21/24 at 6:11 pm

this game doesn’t have much legs

turns out I wasn’t so stealthy and was caught and put in jail. Seems fair ok I know how this goes it’s a game right? Wrong, the town gets so mad they come and burn the jail down killing me
My first start ended similarly. I think I just pushed someone running through town. Ended up in j

Why, because I started playing Destiny 2 a bit again? Yeah, I'm a glutton for punishment I guess.
No - there's an element of realism to it. You should manage sleep, hunger, etc. Combat is tough at first. Because you're a welp. It's easy to get overwhelmed and die. Quests auto-resolve i

re: Path of Exile 2, looks great

Posted by Devious on 12/7/24 at 7:43 pm
I was really hoping D4 would have a layer of difficulty. I hate wiping a screen of mobs with a single ability. I have more confidence GGG will stay the course on challenge.

re: Help with I Pad Pro

Posted by Devious on 12/3/24 at 3:50 pm
It should be on the next AOL trial disk you receive in the mail

EZE Tiger Fan
You are melting everywhere today.
If my budget was 2k, I'd upgrade the monitor as well if possible
If you go mobo, you'll need CPU and ram as well. I would do everything at once.
Sadly, people are not being edgy, and it's not a schtick. The world is turning from truth to fictional worlds that make them feel better.

Klark Kent

Strange world we live in

It's really a badly implemented concept at this point. Across all fronts.

Is crucible a thing anymore?
It's turned into finding the scummiest build and exploiting ability loops. If that's your thing, it's amazing now.

The supply of gay is way, way greater than the demand. In pretty much every form of entertainment.
How else do you condition, normalize, destroy the family unit, etc.?