Favorite team:Nicholls St.
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Registered on:11/17/2010
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You will soon find out that ATT and Direct TV are just as bad.

Thanks. I've read and heard those are the best.

Regardless of what you decide to use, I’d definitely recommend getting an external hard drive to store the photos on, especially if you’re shooting in raw format

What type of laptop do you use for your photography? I'm an old 35mm guy and have been meaning to take the digital jump for years.

I'm using a MacBook Pro

I’m sure it’s been asked before but what do you use? Camera wise

I’m using a Nikon Z8 as my main camera, and a Z7ii as my backup.

I have a few different lenses 24-70, 70-200, and 180-600 (all Nikkor)

I always tell people who are looking to get into photography to find a came

Hammer has a website to purchase . Very reasonable for awesome quality ....

Thanks for posting this!

I also do commission work, so if there is a certain shot you want for home or office shoot me an email and we’ll see if it’s something I can do. Landscapes are much easier than w

Pro-"choice" advocates are all in favor of abortions anywhere, anytime.

It will be interesting to see the pro choice people side with. The mother who forced her daughter to take the pill. Or the daughter who wanted the baby. Seems like the daughter didn’t have a choice in the matte

Bruh the deer on the train tracks looks like something from a fever dream. Awesome picture.

That shot was taken near Black Bayou Lake in Monroe. The day before I was telling someone that I wanted a shot of a deer walking down the track.
Then the day I took this I was leaving the


They all made it safely across

Wildlife/Nature Photos from January

Posted by JOJO Hammer on 1/31/25 at 12:30 pm
More Photos Here

Pelicans were taken on Lake Road in Lacombe, the others in Fontainebleau State Park

I may get some down votes for this, but I don’t think he would have had the same success if he had at LSU. I think he had to go to the NFL to discover who he was. I also think his failure in Miami drove him to the level of success he had a bama.

re: How to drive in sneaux

Posted by JOJO Hammer on 1/20/25 at 7:34 pm

How to drive in sneaux

slow down
follow at a safe distance (if you think you're at a safe distance back off a little more.)

if you start to slide don't panic, and don't try and fight it. Take your foot off the gas (don't slam the breaks), and turn the wheel into the slide (the

I sure hope someone ventures out into the Basin and takes some amazing photos.

I'd love to, but i'm on the north shore, and don't think i'll be able to get there due to road closures

re: 2011 defense or 2019 offense?

Posted by JOJO Hammer on 1/16/25 at 5:57 pm
I think I’d take 2011 defense

2019 would score points, yes. But they would not run through 2011 def.
I’m not up to date on this issue but how can Biden simply ban drilling? If he does why can’t Trump simply reverse it?

Have you heard of older generation seeing it this way now ?

I haven't really noticed it too much, but I have a few photographer friends that are older and don't do much editing, they shoot more for fun now.

Editing has always been somewhat of a thing, even during the film days.

Would you mind editing and sharing locales for each.
