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re: Is Marvel done?

Posted by CP3forMVP on 2/17/25 at 6:15 pm

No one cares about any of that. Just because they've gender swapped the Silver Surfer in the comics at some point in the past changes nothing.

Ah I get it, you’re just a moron

Next time at least attempt to be knowledgeable or informed before you try to talk about something you a

re: Is Marvel done?

Posted by CP3forMVP on 2/17/25 at 12:57 pm

We all know I'm right. Some of us just admit it.

You aren't right though. The fact that you think they gender swapped the role proves your ignorance and your complete lack of knowledge and understanding of the source material. They did not cast the Silver Surfer Norman Radd, they c
[quote]I want a top pick too.

But how is any of this benefitting or developing Zion? He plays when he wants. He plays short minutes. He only really plays one side of the court and couldn't be bothered to rebound.

If he's injured or prone to an injury, shut him down. Even better, send him away

re: Is Marvel done?

Posted by CP3forMVP on 2/17/25 at 9:31 am

Technically they could still use Pratt (Star Lord), Hemsworth (Thor), and Holland (Spider-Man) - though those last 2 are problematic. They are still alive though in the MCU though, so it's not impossible.

Don't forget Cumberbatch

re: Is Marvel done?

Posted by CP3forMVP on 2/17/25 at 8:57 am

Making silver surfer female is an early, terrible sign.

re: Is Marvel done?

Posted by CP3forMVP on 2/17/25 at 8:54 am
Six movies grossed $100M at the box office last year, and Brave New World, a film that had a lot of backlash, just did as well. Almost doubled that. No, Marvel is not done.

We can talk about how the quality of the movies has dipped, but they're still making a ton of money. As long as that's the c

I'm not sure what this would mean for him now. He's not hurt or injured right now. He's not supposed to be out of shape or in poor condition. So why would he need to be limited?


Tear it down and re-build over by the river.

You funding that?

re: Tyler Warren…

Posted by CP3forMVP on 2/16/25 at 9:55 pm

TE is a luxury pick

We don't have a QB
Longterm RB
No.1 WR
OL has holes
DL has holes
Best LB is almost 40

At 9 if TE is the best pick trade back

No such thing as a luxury pick when you need help at every position. You’re going to get bit in the arse i

re: Season Ticket Renewal on SeatGeek

Posted by CP3forMVP on 2/12/25 at 6:27 pm
Anybody that puts money into this franchises pockets at this time are part of the problem
I wouldn’t have wanted him at $35M either

Some have shared this afternoon that the Pelicans could consider going into the summer working out a short term deal.

Ah, the Pelicans and Saints. Two franchises that are obsessed with kicking the can down the road. If you don't feel strongly enough about him to give him a long ter

I mean would you? It’s a year too late to trade Ingram.

I've had enough of Ingram, but Griff must be an absolutely horrid salesman if he can't find a single GM to take a 27 year old 6'9" wing that can get you 25 a night. He's doing something wrong.

re: WICKED (2024) SUCKS!

Posted by CP3forMVP on 2/2/25 at 1:48 pm
[quote]This movie might have ended a relationship.

Lady I've been dating has asked me since it came out to go see Wicked. I have politely declined. I read the book way back when. It was ok. Never cared to see the show. I'm good.

This week it comes out for streaming and we both have the day
If Loomis is telling others they're gonna keep talking to Moore then that better mean the deal is already done and he's not dragging people along. If he's putting that out there and they haven't secured Moore he's an even bigger moron than I thought.

Being under there when those stands are full is going to absolutely suck

One AD had balls, the other bent over for the NCAA like a good little boy.

The thing I've always found funny about this viewpoint is that while it's wrong, the truth still makes Woodward look bad. He didn't bend over for the NCAA, but he did use them as a reason to get rid of Wade,
[quote]Jose isn't worth a first, and he shouldn't be traded for anything less than a star deal (with other pieces of course)

He's the perfect player for a small franchise like new orleans. He's good, not great, loves the city, and due to certain limitations can be kept cheap and be useful in a re
We all love Jose, but if you can get anything of value for him you do it. I wouldn't just dump him, but if Milwaukee wants to throw a first at us (which I don't think they even have, so it all may be a moot point) then I'd do that. They don't really have much intriguing young talent. AJ Green is a n