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Registered on:10/8/2010
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re: Riddle thread. Submit your own.

Posted by HandGrenade on 7/12/24 at 2:53 pm
[quote]You work in a factory that boxes apples and oranges to ship around the world. One day, the labeling machine goes haywire and incorrectly labels the crates of fruit.

Your coworker decides to play a game. He pulls up three crates of fruit and tells you that one of them has apples in it, one

re: Riddle thread. Submit your own.

Posted by HandGrenade on 7/12/24 at 2:51 pm
Another simple one:

Neither right nor wrong, it's the only way. What is it?

Throwing Kratos Axe in God of War. So satisfying

Mimir's stories while rowing the boat were great. They could make a great audiobook as a collection of short stories, using the same voice actor of course.
The White Stripes - Seven Nation Army
The Black Keys - Lonely Boy

re: Pocket knife recommendations

Posted by HandGrenade on 10/27/23 at 9:05 pm
A classic option just to add to the other suggestions could be the Buck 110.

re: Favorite polo shirts

Posted by HandGrenade on 8/27/23 at 7:23 pm
I wear LL Bean or Columbia polos for work 98% of the time. I really like them, and they should be well within your budget.

re: Why are eggs so expensive?

Posted by HandGrenade on 10/15/22 at 9:53 am
A lot of chicken farms burned down during the first half of this year.

A Quebec restaurant changed the name of poutine on their menu because it sounds like Putin.


It's not just in Quebec! :rotflmao:
Sorry for your loss. To answer your question honestly, dying from covid is not "typical" no matter the progression.
Irish Setter Marshalls for work everyday.
Because that requires spending money. They just want to make money off of this.

It’s pretty funny so long as they’re making fun.

My HS used to do a powderpuff game where players dressed as female cheerleaders.

Considering there's a "Gender Sexuality Alliance" at the school, I don't think this was just a making fun of trannies thing.