Favorite team:LSU 
Interests:Inshore fishing, duck hunting
Number of Posts:4231
Registered on:9/27/2010
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Good no cuts...need more pain to right this ship. FHA and CRE needs to burn. A +2 Sigma beat on GDP smells of fake data and Powell knows it....
Shapiro would be the biggest head fake they could put next Kamala for two reasons and would absolutely turn the dems on themselves... Kamala has stated quite often that she wants to ban fracking...Shapiro is from Pennsylvania...home of the Marcellus shale. Shapiro is Jewish...Kamala loves her ...
[quote]Why do you say that when their recent Australian projects have been multiples over budget -- billions and billions and billions over budget [/quote] You mean like exactly what's going on right now in the US, but they built in a more O&G-hostile country, at least currently, with just as mu...
[quote]Anyone have any thoughts on wood side energy. If you believe in the tellurium story should you invest in wood side?[/quote] I've worked in the LNG space since 2021 as an analyst, operationally speaking Woodside is right up there with Cheniere as far as premier LNG operators/stakeholders. C...
Wesley Hunt is from my district, 38th of Texas. Would love for him to get in with Trump but think he's an unseasoned politician. He needs to really understand how f'd the system is and figure out a way to fix it. No doubt that if and when he takes the next step, he would be replaced with someone ...
[quote]Wind drift at that distance with a .223 is negligible at 140 yards of shooting at center mass [/quote] True...0.8" at 5mph wind 90* to bullet path, is what most are saying but he made the decision not to go that route and wound up missing....
No pictures, but I would have to assume he had a scope of some sort. Honestly in hindsight, if he was on irons or a red dot at 140 yards and missed as he did without adjusting for 1-inch wind drift (Twitter ballistic folks' opinions) at 140 yards. Probably not too bad of a shot considering how he...
He missed a shot every deer hunter in America could have made...Mfer thought this was COD....
[quote]You're wrong, my friend.[/quote] Not in this case, IMO. You are an exception, not a standard. You have seen what it is really like to not have freedom. The very high majority of the population has not...Harry, Dick, and Tom from the local neighborhood would not just pick up arms and meet y...

Can't Lose Now, Run Flynn as VP

Posted by MadtownTiger on 7/13/24 at 7:50 pm
Have to have someone they fear even more behind you. Don't need to pander to certain blocks of people anymore. Get in and burn down every 3 letter agency and the SS. Erik Prince for DoD...
If you think ANTIFA is the problem here...you're lost. ANTIFA can't assemble for anything outside of their parent's basement. You think this guys mom dropped him off with a AR or bolt action and said good luck honey. Everything they do is bought and paid for by elements of CIA/NSA etc. You don...
[quote]Never a bad time to buy ammo but imo we are a loooong way off from anything "happening". Vast majority of people on both sides of the isle live comfortable lives. Its going to have to get much worse before we are ready to give that up. [/quote] This x1000, the general populace must go thr...

re: Biden can't resign...

Posted by MadtownTiger on 7/3/24 at 1:29 pm
[quote]If they admit to him actually having mental decline or dementia, then they will have to answer for their year long scam of knowing he was mentally incapable of being president. [/quote] And...whats going to happen then...nothing. The Democrats have repeatedly shown they don't have to answ...
VG signed a large deal with DTEK..., the energy arm of DTEK Group, Ukraine's largest PE firm. They also sat for 10+ months on pending with a positive environmental inspection, the longest by far. FERC had to approve this to "deem" themselves apolitical albeit none of it matters without a DOE p...
I mean if you don't understand that Fox is nothing but MSNBC-light at this point then I don't know what to tell you....

re: Red Snapper Quota

Posted by MadtownTiger on 6/4/24 at 8:42 am
We were supposed to go out 2-3 days this past weekend. Big Fat 0, though. WLF gonna WLF....
[quote]A strike should be a strike no matter how its caught [/quote] But its not...we saw that just now in the 2nd or 3rd to last batter....

I'm glad Milazzo's done resting

Posted by MadtownTiger on 6/2/24 at 8:32 pm
This Brady fill-in is over finally. Brady is not defensive and just can't frame a pitch to save his life....

re: Hurd tonight?

Posted by MadtownTiger on 6/2/24 at 2:16 pm
Better have someone warming up as soon as the game starts...can't let them get to out in front....