Favorite team:Xavier 
Number of Posts:16
Registered on:9/9/2010
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cool emoticon dude...how long did you have to comb the internet for that?...
hey, the retard wants to know how to quote the message you're replying to......
google is on the internet, it is called a "search engine"...
exactly what I was getting at... :dude:...
it's called irony, you can google the dictionary as to what it means...
I said as an outsider, did you not see that or is your comprehension skills aiin't not too good?...
this guy is hilarious. He asked to be moved to WR I guess Shepard knows he was never meant to be a quarterback......
I hope Les keeps him happy at wr.. maybe he'll transfer if he thinks he made a mistake.....
too drunk and on too late.. so i see he is playing wr, kind of as Randle El type player eh?...
seriously. He was the #1 qb recruit onRivals in 2009, haven't seen hide or hair, but I don't get to see all LSU games. Is he getting in at wr or something?...
UNC did not have Greg Little, their best offensive player or their starting two running backs at the Georgia Dome... saying they are "Back" might be as they say, a little "pre-mature"...think about that ......
nice Avatar Loupe :lol: seriously, can't believe you all think that is a tough question... ok, how about Pete Carroll, Nick Saban or Les Miles?...
serious question, would LSU rather have Kiffin or The Hat?...
I'm an SEC wannabe, I'm from the Pac10....
I'm confused, I thought LSU was 2-0 with wins over UNC and Vandy. I mean, you all beat Vandy, an SEC school. That's like beating Boise State 10,000,000 - 0. Be grateful of your undefeated record!...