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Registered on:2/26/2005
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I still can't believe he slept with Darlene....
Its over regardless if he is in or out. This is about burning Kamala's nomination so they don't have pressure from the DEI types to run her in 2028....
[quote]inside the store around 9:40 p.m. and walk into the bathroom, cops said. He walked out of the bathroom around 2:42 a.m. That must have been one epic dump[/quote] Is is name Jerome Watkins? Did his zipper get stuck?...
[quote]Joseph Rodriguez Age: 30 Hometown: Tampa, Florida Occupation: Video store clerk[/quote] [img]https://www.usatoday.com/gcdn/authoring/authoring-images/2024/07/15/USAT/74409466007-3003788-0578-b.jpg?width=660&height=472&fit=crop&format=pjpg&auto=webp[/img] Is it 1995 again?...

re: 100 yards is not “long-range”

Posted by Cash on 7/14/24 at 1:34 pm
[quote]Most 12 y/o deer hunters can hit these shots with high frequency.[/quote] Fify...
[quote]Can we get a former QB to coach at Ascension Atheist to cover all bases?[/quote] Ascension Episcopal needs to put Jarret Lee in the coaching staff....
[quote]How Mr. Brooks hasn't completely lost it yet is beyond my understanding.[/quote] I believe he hasn't really been involved in her life. I may be wrong....

re: Iron Claw

Posted by Cash on 7/8/24 at 8:28 am
[quote]How many 6'+ major actors do you think exist in Hollywood? Let alone ones who would get jacked.[/quote] They at least could have cast someone somewhat imposing for Kerry. Kerry was the specimen of the family. And this is who you cast- [img]https://media.gq.com/photos/6385375563485819...
Bennie Logan- DL coach at Catholic High(when he’s not fishing)...

re: Manning passing academy

Posted by Cash on 7/2/24 at 10:41 am
[quote]Except it is currently held at Nicholls. Its was held at Southeastern and Tulane before that.[/quote] The best lineman camp in the nation is also held at Nicholls. The Colonels must be building a dynasty....

re: Allone- Season 11- June 13 premier

Posted by Cash on 7/1/24 at 4:16 pm
[quote]. I'm going to make a call that the first one to tap is Peter Albano. The chess playing librarian who isn't bringing an axe. plus this- quote:Peter couldn’t embark on this great adventure without the support of his amazing wife and two great kids.[/quote] I pretty much nailed this. I can...

re: Your Favorite Wrestling Intro

Posted by Cash on 6/27/24 at 8:31 pm
[quote]Round up 11,000,000 illegals and deporting them all[/quote] [quote]Fire 55,000 government employees[/quote] [quote]Eliminate the Federal Reserve. Eliminate the Department of Education[/quote] I’m already voting for Trump. You can quit selling....
[quote]75-80 million people died and were talking about betting odds.[/quote] Too soon?...
[quote]Last seasons winner was a woman[/quote] [img]https://savageventures.b-cdn.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/alan-tenta.png[/img]...
Only at night, but every license plate going and coming is logged regardless of time....
[quote]What is the speed limit in U-Club? As an old dad, I now realize how fast 30mph is for most neighborhoods.[/quote] I'm pretty sure it is 25mph where the kids were hit. I'm honestly amazed stuff like this doesn't have more often. U Club has tons of kids riding bikes, scooters, and yes...