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Biography:SWM. Lab owner. Manager of Teenage children. Southern Gothic Philosopher.
Occupation:Lumber Broker
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Registered on:9/3/2010
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[quote]need my license to be clear…[/quote] This isn't about your driver license. It's about your bank accounts ...
[quote]The aggregate is smaller than Russia in everything but probably aircraft.[/quote] This is just an absurd lie. I mean, it's so far from reality that it's preposterous. I mean...ships? Main battle tanks? Heavy trucks? Missiles? Counter battery radars? Patriot/400 series systems? Night vi...
[quote]the industrial capacity doesn't exist in the West to achieve anything like parity with the Russians.[/quote] I realize this is a talking point that you get paid to parrot. But it's so absurd that I have to keep calling it out. Russia produces zero computer chips. It has one factory tha...
[quote]SirWinston got fooled by Mulvaney[/quote] He wasn't fooled. That's just who he's attracted to. He lives in Portland but "can't stand" all the LGBT weirdos.....he just chooses to live, work, and socialize with them. OK, buddy ...
[quote]Russian military has significantly increased its manpower and materiel commitments to the war in Ukraine over the last two and a half years[/quote] Everything still going according to plan? ...
[quote]densest and most dangerous network of air defences in the world[/quote] Israel's Iron Dome and David's Sling are together about 25x more dense than anything in Europe. And so badass that they are literally giving their Patriot systems to Ukraine because they don't need them. Do you have...
[quote]when can we expect this F-16’s to start flying?[/quote] Who says they haven't already started? ...
[quote]densest and most dangerous network of air defences in the world[/quote] This statement is simply incorrect. Not that facts have ever been your deal. ...
Since they published the idea that the F-16s will only be used in the rear.... that means they'll definitely be used over occupied territory. :cheers: ...
[quote]If Europe and the US aren't a safe place to invest your money, that money will go elsewhere. [/quote] Safe is an entirely relative term....safer than what? BRICS? If you think that money is leaving the US and EU to go to BRICS countries because they are....SAFER.....no one believes that...
Did you just link a 30 minute Youtube video and expect us to watch it?...
[quote]You forgot the US general who was killed too![/quote] No you got it wrong. They captured a 3* US General along with hundreds of his troops. They're all now fighting on the Russian side. It was obviously the 3* who gave up the information on where that HIMARS was hiding on the second flo...
[quote]Seldom Seen[/quote] You posted multiple times per day for years. Then, you went over two years without a single post. Then right back to posting multiple times a day. Did you do time in prison or something? ...
[quote]Would you let your wife/gf[/quote] I've never understood the term "let" in a marriage. Like: "My wife doesn't let me" do such and such... Are you guys adults? ...
[quote]But we were assured that all the 155s we were giving were ‘old” and were scheduled to be replaced, anyway[/quote] Link?...

re: They tried to assassinate Trump!

Posted by No Colors on 7/23/24 at 6:55 am
[quote]They have effectively stopped everyone from focusing on and talking about this[/quote][quote]They freaking tried to assassinate our president[/quote] Who is They? Are the above people the same They? Or different Theys?...
[quote]Trump gets in office all funding to Ukraine ceases[/quote] Wanna bet? [quote]Russia keeps the land they have repatriated,[/quote] :lol: Delicious ...
[quote]Vol naysayers and doubters have one thing in common: no balls.[/quote] Sounds like you're the one who challenged the who board to a bet, and then welched from the jump . Translation: No balls. Pussy...
[quote]We don't need an attorney. Just put ur money where ur mouth is[/quote] That's what I'm demanding you do. Put your money up. You're the one talking about how we're all pussies who won't put up. Then you refuse. That's all I need to know [quote]don't disappear. [/quote] I've been on t...