Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:38
Registered on:5/15/2010
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What's the consensus -- does 7 innings help us or hurt us?...
I also blame Tanya Tucker....
The pics I don't mind. I was really talking about the squabbling -- felt likei was watching the game with m little nephews. Had to restrain the urge to yell at them to get out of the way of the TV or something....
If the play-by-play guy likes the pictures, then keep them coming! I retract my comments. ...
I'm new here and all, but what is the deal with the Tucker/Underwood jibber-jabber?...
Hawthorne dropping the knowledge: "All LSU needs is some good pitching and some timely hitting." Genius! ...
Candlesticks are always a nice gift....
[quote]the weather is part of his schtict[/quote]Now he's onto the wind. And back to the heat. They should make him annouce the score everytime he mentions the weather....
Yeah, but isn't he sitting in a nice air-conditioned booth? He should be bitching about those damn kids and their crazy flat-billed hats or something....
Hawthorne needs to shut up about the heat....
3-up, 3-down would be mighty nice....
He didn't fare as well as we would have liked, to put it politely....