Favorite team:Michigan 
Interests:Almost everything sparks my interest
Number of Posts:8
Registered on:12/15/2009
Online Status:Not Online

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Started out as a Pistons fan back in the early '90s, and then discovered the Spurs. Switched my favorite team to the Celtics when the Lakers went on their three-peat to annoy one of my good friends. Once the Hornets said they were moving to New Orleans, I immediately switched my allegiance to them....

re: Sports Illustrated Article

Posted by fahd889 on 2/12/10 at 11:12 am
That was an amazing article. I am going to have to buy this SI soon....
A name change is a name change. Louisiana Saints would anger all the die-hards, but the state's tourism would get a big boost because of it. On the other hand, Saints fever might not stick if the Saints revert back to the Aints. Anyways, Mr. Benson would not change the name because the majority o...