Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Baton Rouge, LA
Number of Posts:20
Registered on:11/12/2009
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I agree, especially with the young, talented team he's got lined up. It's been rough to watch our team for a couple of years, but Miles has been good for us and I think he deserves a chance to show us Fournette and Harris (not to mention Steele's defense and half the O line) after they've had a year...
Les brings home $168,060.85 every pay period. Or, since LSU is paid monthly, that makes it $364,131.84. Every single check. Wow. Anytime I feel bad about the pressure he's under, I'll remember that one of his paycheck is worth more than my house. ...

re: My favorite Verne quote of today

Posted by pseudocsb on 11/27/10 at 1:11 am
[quote]the senility is just fantastic [/quote] I think the dude's drunker than two frat boys passed out by the keg....

re: Will the Chickens...

Posted by pseudocsb on 10/9/10 at 5:32 pm
Don't jinx it......
They booed that his name was called - the decision, not the player. Our offense is inexcusable, and that rests solely on Crowton and Miles. They are responsible for play calling, for recruitment, for player development. The coaches are the ones being (rightfully) booed....
Texas Tech must really resent suddenly being the number three school in Texas - they thought they were second fiddle and A&M was third! Seems like equal revenue sharing in the Big 12 may be the only way to settle this down, and if that happens, would a prima donna UT jump to the Pac 10 then? C...
I think TAMU should leave no matter what because it's a good decision for the program. That it pisses off UT, too... well that's just gravy....

Does TAMU leave Big 12 no matter what?

Posted by pseudocsb on 6/14/10 at 9:50 am
Even if UT decides to stay put with a "10-member Big 12," what are the odds TAMU goes to the SEC anyway? The logic of the move doesn't change just because UT stays in the Big 12. It's still more money, more exposure, better games, and good for the school's football program. Why wouldn't TAMU come...
I'm fine with Jefferson, and think it would be a mistake to switch next year. He's shown ability, talent and improvement, and has performed pretty well. Is he the Best Quarterback in the History of Quarterbacks, no, but that's not really a reasonable standard. He's good and has the potential for ...

re: Violations nullify Miles contract?

Posted by pseudocsb on 12/1/09 at 1:59 pm
I skimmed the contract, and it looks like violations on Miles's watch aren't sufficient to be cause for termination. It has to be negligence on his part, or to have known about it and not reported it, or it to be a consistent problem he's ignoring. Unless he had a hand in it, or he intentionally cr...

re: 99 wins in the 2000's

Posted by pseudocsb on 11/30/09 at 2:57 am
The number, zero, was brought to Europe from India by 800 CE. Time to get used to it. It may be true that the year 2000 is only 1999 years from 1 CE, but our calendar routinely varies the number of days in a year, and on at least one occasion, "jumped" two weeks to correct rounding errors. We can...