Favorite team:New Orleans Pelicans 
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Registered on:10/30/2009
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re: Boat cleaner help

Posted by cgrand on 10/5/24 at 5:26 pm
water, dawn, bleach...
[quote]“Well if a bunch of people would just die it sure would fix climate change!”[/quote]nice reach…good job. Olympic quality projection...
[quote]Not to mention all the property well inland that are currently dealing with insurance issues.[/quote]maybe those properties wouldn’t be dealing with insurance issues if the carriers weren’t being decimated on the coast...
nope I’m just pointing out that maybe “multimillion dollar homes” in the coastal zone aren’t such a great idea with the risk involved and that your doomsday scenario of the collapse of the high dollar coastline real estate market would…actually help solve the problem ...
[quote]It would be the END of the coastal insurance market which would collapse the coastal real estate market. [/quote]if only there were a solution to coastal property damages continuing to escalate year after year after year if only there were a way to mitigate the extreme financial penalties ...
[quote]People do not possess the self-control necessary to make good choices. They just don't. The data proves it. [/quote]stupid people don’t…I surely do. Maybe just maybe the answer is aggressive (and compulsory) education and a sweeping change to government assistance policies that result in m...

re: WFDT

Posted by cgrand on 10/4/24 at 8:54 pm
[quote]Nola Mia[/quote]10/9!!! can’t wait...

re: Gumbo Ingredients

Posted by cgrand on 10/4/24 at 7:48 pm
sweet potatoes ...

re: WFDT

Posted by cgrand on 10/4/24 at 7:47 pm
meatloaf sandwich mayo, ketchup, cheese, pickles, lettuce Irish whisky ice...
[quote]any of the 9 televisions in my house [/quote]do what now? 9 TVs? I have one :LOL:...
[quote]Couple of Hibiscus --3' Olive tree --Several blueberry & rasberry plants --Meyer lemon & some type of satsuma --Couple blackberry bushes [/quote]the only things you have that need protection are the hibiscus and the lemon. Everything else is fine outside (or in the ground) post a pic of ...

re: Pulpwood Mill in CenLa

Posted by cgrand on 10/4/24 at 11:04 am
[quote] Timber harvest/thinning simply mimics natural disaster, baw.[/quote] no it doesnt. timber harvesting (typically) removes the healthiest members of the forest community. natural disasters (and typical predator/prey interactions in the animal world) do the opposite...they remove the weakest...

re: Pulpwood Mill in CenLa

Posted by cgrand on 10/4/24 at 11:01 am
[quote]Got any literature links to share about this?[/quote] if you are interested in the overall role soil fungi play in forest health, and in life writ large, i highly recommend this book [link=(https://www.merlinsheldrake.com/entangled-life)]ENTANGLED LIFE[/link] there is not a single page ...

re: Can't stand food with truffle oil

Posted by cgrand on 10/4/24 at 8:58 am
yes truffles themselves are incredible. Truffle oil is just nasty...

re: good eats in meridian MS

Posted by cgrand on 10/4/24 at 8:57 am
Weidmanns appears to be the consensus thanks all. I’ve never stepped foot in meridian so I’m interested in checking it out a bit before we head off...
[quote]Won’t be ready till sometime in 2025[/quote]well…it’s October 2024. If they just started then an opening date in 2025 stands to reason ...

re: Pulpwood Mill in CenLa

Posted by cgrand on 10/4/24 at 7:51 am
[quote]The hardwoods are the main crop that will bring in money in the coming years, and thinning should speed up the process[/quote]that is the traditional school of thought however it may very well be the opposite of reality. Research by mycologists I believe in the coming decades will determine ...
[quote]It's a sound packing strategy to wear your heavier clothing to save luggage weight.[/quote]this on the plane I’m wearing the only pants, LS shirt, boots and possibly a sweatshirt or jacket (if needed) that I’m bringing. Saves luggage space and I don’t look homeless on the fricking plane...

re: Bluesberry Fest Oct 5th Covington

Posted by cgrand on 10/3/24 at 1:57 pm
tons of good music around this weekend and the weather should be nice…bluesberry, federales etc. bluesberry is a bunch of fun We are also going to see the iguanas at the winery sat nite...