Favorite team:Vanderbilt 
Location:A table near a waiter.
Occupation:bon vivant
Number of Posts:11020
Registered on:12/27/2004
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TRIGGERnometry (some might say right leaning, but I would say common sense leaning)

Triggernometry is my black hole in time, love the show, I watch it whenever I get the chance.
Superdome emergency lighting plan.
I don't trust the Secret Service or NOPD to keep him safe. That SOB sure has brass balls.
I am 75 y/o, I am a traditionalist, I can safely say that the King cakes of today are 100x better than the ones I grew up with.

And that's all I have to say about that.
I don't see a carpet at all and what I see isn't red.
All you need to know about the people of Gander, Newfoundland, one of the best books I ever read.


Good ole NOLA....

What a POS city!

Most Chiefs fans will fly in spend 24-48 hours in NOLA, watch the game and get the frick out of town.

It's all corporate, very few actual Chief fans will be there.

My wife is from Newfoundland, so I’m there a pretty good bit.

I love Newfoundland, greatest people on Earth.

I've driven, flown, and cruised into Canada from end to end, the Canadians I know are not in love with liberalism.
I know 2 families who lost sons who died from OD, one only smoked a joint.

Trump must do whatever it takes to stop this. Americans who use illegal drugs are unwilling partners to the cartels.
This is why no straight person trusts or respects LBTGQUFV. We will need bigger closets to throw them back in.

re: Louisiana Lagniappe vs Parrains

Posted by andouille on 2/2/25 at 4:11 pm
Is this a trick question? LL by miles. I used to like Parrain's, but since I rarely eat fried food, what's the point.
My son is self employed, divorced with a boy and a girl. He rarely has money to waste so everything the kids eat is cooked by him. Those kids love salads, fresh fruit and they are not interested in fast food. Their dad has always told them that FF is poison, same thing I taught him when he was littl
We'd watch some Loony Tunes on Saturday morning, but after school?? We were out playing sports.

"Any boy who can't play baseball is a little light in the loafers". ---Foghorn Leghorn

re: Anyone Try Frankie's Dawg House?

Posted by andouille on 1/28/25 at 8:33 pm

Bull chicks is really good

Bull Chicks is really an excellent mom & pop joint, it looks like a chain, but not really, everything is cooked to order. The spicy Cajun dog is my favorite in BR.

re: Are indoor malls making a comeback?

Posted by andouille on 1/27/25 at 10:48 am
Why is Lakeside Mall still successful?

I grew up in Metairie in the 60's and 70's, I watched Lakeside grow and become enclosed, it is thriving for some simple reasons:

1. It was the first thing out there, all of the satellite stores and restaurants wanted in on the action and became pa

Trump Wish List

Posted by andouille on 1/26/25 at 7:31 am
Not that the guy hasn't been busy, but I have a few small tasks on my Trump wish list.

1. Track down who in FEMA originally issued the order not to service houses with Trump yard signs. This person should be arrested and charged with malfeasance in office.

2. Shut down all public funding of NP
I have no idea why, but I am always asked to do eulogies for relatives and friends, it's an honor, I guess.

The worst I have ever experienced was a friend and his wife who lost their child a few weeks after birth. The priest was not their regular home parish priest and the child's name was a litt
Oreos, my Hydrox cookies are gone.
I've been making complex spreadsheets since the DOS versions of Lotus 123 in the early 90's, if you think this is just boomers, you haven't gotten around much.

A lot of Gen X-Z think they are PC literate because they can play video games, they don't know what they don't know, the boomers are eas
Why is Fox giving this lunatic so much exposure and airtime? Ignore her and this fake, contrived story.