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Occupation:I do it all
Number of Posts:435
Registered on:9/26/2009
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Payroll Tax Shield

Posted by HeartAttackTiger on 7/25/24 at 11:36 am
Our company was contacted by an outside firm wanting to implement a payroll tax shield program. Benefits are lower tax implications for the company and additional $$ for employees to spend on other insurance, such as life insurance. Anyone ever deal with this?...
Never had it. My Dad suffered with it, off and on. Shrimp was a trigger for him....
[quote]My health insurance premiums should be half as much as the morbidly obese person next to me in line at the grocery store.[/quote] I don't think you can base it solely on the weight of a person. Sure, typically plays a huge part but we do need to explore claims versus just simply the weigh...
I'm 93 and have never had a cavity. I have never brushed my teeth as I think it is overrated....
F20 but make sure to get the Airtouch one. Much softer than the silicone one. Have also used the Quattro but prefer the F20. Many use these if overweight. Mine was due to a health scare....
[quote]How big a boy are ya[/quote] 5’ 10”. 180...

Click or Ratchet belt for men

Posted by HeartAttackTiger on 6/13/24 at 8:26 pm
Anyone have one and if pleased, what brand do you have for a dress belt?...
[quote]Is $100,000 (one time payment) life changing money? Considering you could pay off a substantial amount of debt and potentially increase your monthly take home at that point, I would think it could be considered as such. Curious to know if others feel the same.[/quote] I don't think ther...
[quote]$118.36 $123.12 $144.21 $173.62 $254.53[/quote] I'd be happy with any of these....
Possibly the word "slash" is used incorrectly in this case. If the price is cut 5 cents, not sure that qualifies as "slash"....
Didn't read article but is there a difference in one offense versus multiple?...
Don't live there and not saying it's bad but taking into account various posts on this site, Baton Rouge would be up there due to violence....


Posted by HeartAttackTiger on 5/13/24 at 1:29 pm
What is the highest you've ever seen for your BMI and what is your current BMI?...
[quote]The chick in the jeans could stand a few more days of no food[/quote] Probably 40 more days without eating....
[quote]We are healthier when we have to get up everyday and do something we don’t necessarily want to do.[/quote] Totally agree about being active and healthy. Totally disagree about doing something you don’t want to do. ...
Mine is a 2003 Tacoma. I thought, earlier this year, about replacing it. I think I have talked myself out of it. I drive to work and do some "rat killing" in it. I think I will wait a couple more years. I'm not caught up in the competition thing....
Both of my parents are now deceased. Had a GREAT relationship with both and will always miss both of them terribly....

re: Summer Plans?

Posted by HeartAttackTiger on 4/24/24 at 1:30 pm
3 Trips Austin, TX to visit family (May) Pigeon Forge, TN (June) Branson, MO (October)...
My Dad passed away last May. Did well during funeral but at some point, went to grave alone. Pretty tough emotionally. ...