Favorite team:LSU 
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Registered on:9/13/2009
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High: all of the 2019 season Low: tied - mulligan bowl and the 1998 ole Miss game. It was a god awful shitty season and I wasn’t expecting us to win. They kicked our arse for 3 quarters but we mounted an inexplicable 4th quarter comeback to score 3 touchdowns and send it into overtime. It was the ...
No need to be upset about John Prine. I’m sure his ashes have floated right down the Green River, he’s had some fried pork chops and smoked a cigarette 9 miles long...

re: Kids of the 70's...

Posted by pilsnerpusher on 6/16/24 at 8:47 pm
I was born in 1975. One of my favorite chores in the mid to late 1980s was riding my bike to the country gas station exactly a mile away from our house to pick up a 6 pack of coors yellow bellies. My dad would call the store as I left the house to let them know I was on my way. If I could make the r...
It must’ve been Moles that did those Calicos in. My Calico left a dead mole in the garage and another one in the back yard this morning. I found it odd but your post has helped me put the puzzle pieces to this mystery together. The murdered moles were reprisal killings....
I’ve got a zero turn and the deck flap is gone. Last year I was mowing on a very windy day and happened to hit a fire ant hill and sent the whole thing into the wind and it was promptly blown back on to me. I had ants from head to toe. The hardest ones to get were the ones stuck in my hair. My famil...
Blue Bell Southern Blackberry Cobbler...
I don’t disagree with much of what you said because I haven’t lived there in 46 years but I would offer one addendum to your statement… I recently visited Vicksburg, MS with some friends who hailed from North Mississippi, East Tennessee, and the mountains of North Carolina. I suggested we drive a...

re: BMI

Posted by pilsnerpusher on 5/17/24 at 5:36 am
Highest: 27.5 Current: 24.6 I prefer to be sub 24. My joints and back feel better in that range. I have more energy and feel youthful again in that range (I’m 49). I tend to have far fewer training injuries as well....
I haven’t eaten at a Red Lobster since I was 10. I remember vividly, it was game 5 of the 1985 World Series. The Cardinals were going to win the series…until they didn’t. They were up 3 games to 1 going into that night. Then it all turned to shite, much like the meal after the biscuits were all gone....

re: Mother In Law on Mother's Day

Posted by pilsnerpusher on 5/12/24 at 9:39 pm
Wow, talk about loving kindness. I know the ride you’re in for and brother, you’re my kind of honorable. So many that could walk away, would. Seriously, your kids, if you have any, will tell their great grandkids about the kind of person you are. The world needs more like you. Godspeed to you....
State of inebriation? I’m there now and right now I’m remembering it. Come on in, the weather is fine....
frick Kennedy. He set the ball in motion to send our boys to Vietnam even though he knew it would be costly (in lives) and had less than a 50/50 chance of success but he didn’t want to take the political hit for being “soft”. In other words he chose his political career over the lives of tens of thou...
So did the dad. He believed her to be a whore. He was not struck dead....
You’re half right about me being wrong. The older brother was her husband and struck down for being wicked. Genesis 38 8-10 specifically mentions what Onan did and why he did: too keep from impregnating her because the child would not be his. That was what got him into trouble. The whole story is a ...
Onan and his brother were not struck dead just because they pulled out. They were struck dead because they pulled out so they wouldn’t impregnate their dead brother’s wife. It was their job to be kinsman redeemers of their deceased brother’s line. The child they put in her would be considered her de...
That’s what I did. I bought 3 thornless plants. 4 years later it was a nice big patch. I could let it grow bigger but we get more than enough. Our variety gets about the size of a pecan. We probably pick 7-10 gallon ice cream buckets full every year. We use them in pie, cobbler, or freeze them and u...
Summer: Track Cycling Winter: Luge Far Side: 100 Meter Mosey...
Our sweet little pound mutt is scared of storms and fireworks. She has to be by our side through it and for the next 2-3 hours after. Our Golden Retriever is oblivious to it all. But then, she’s the same dumbass that is entertained by shiny things and shadows for hours at a time. She does not ch...
D’Lo, Mississippi A timber company was coming through in the early 1800s looking for a creek to run their sawmill. They found one and showed it to their boss. The boss said it’s too “damn low” but they set up there anyway. They started calling their camp Damn Low. As the community grew they short...