Favorite team:Alabama 
Location:Uniontown, Al
Number of Posts:1346
Registered on:8/25/2009
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I’m thinking 8-4 the first season to get the kinks out is realistic. We’ll start out of the gate ok, lose some mid season, then start playing better ball the last 1/3. That’s IF we stay healthy. Season 2-4 is gonna decide if DeBoer is the real deal or not. If he comes out 9-3 or 10-2, watch the ...
I’ve had gout flairs for 20 years. Started in my big toe Then it moved to my upper foot, then to my ankles. I don’t know what took me so long to get on Allopurinol but it has changed my life. I thought I would walk with a limp for the rest of my life due to the damage it inflicted. When I got ...
I’ve seen “Log Truck Inna Rode” written on a sign instead of Log Trucks Enter Road. That made me smile and shake my head a little bit as I began to process what I was reading. [img]https://cspforestry.com/cdn/shop/products/10021-2__68632.jpg?v=1647640843&width=380[/img]...
[quote]I always knew Texas was settled by a lot of Tennesseans but never knew how much Alabama folks migrated that way[/quote]. Good stock. You’re welcome Texas....
You’ll be fine. You’re traveling through some of the most gun friendly states. My brother has a house on the Dadeville side. We go 6-8 times a year. Beautiful area and Lake Martin is a lot of fun. The Sunsets on the western side are great. Grab an cocktail and a bite to eat a Chucks Pizza ...
[quote]..But yes, I stand by the fact Smart is a wuss and some of his hardest competition is ahead of him. Smart isn't really a great coach..[/quote] OK, I had to stop reading here and realize you aren’t very smart at the Footballs. Cmon dude. You honestly think Kirby is not a great coach? Ju...
Whatever the size crowd USC brings will be drown out by the 5 or 40,000 fans LSU will bring. Doesn’t matter, they’ll be louder at the beginning of the game. Now, if USC jumps on their arse, they’ll be quieter than a church mouse. If it’s close or LSU is up, it’s lights out. ...
How dare she talk to that reporter like she doesn’t understand English. Why? Because she’s Black? Is she saying Blacks don’t understand the Queens proper English? The nerve of that uppity white privilege to talk to a member of the distinguished press in such a manner. A copy of White Fragil...
[quote]The “deck stacking” comment is based on Alabama politics, and this isn’t the place to get into that conversation. But here’s a hint: This game was on hiatus for more than a few years. Why?[/quote] I love Alabama politics, especially those years. This is the perfect place to get into that c...
[quote]Plus, Shug Jordan refused to bend the knee to Alabama. For that, he will remain a great SEC coach. I don’t know how old you are, but when I was younger, [b]the deck was always stacked against Auburn when it came to Bama. Shug was a major influence in ending that inequity.[/quote][/b] Could...
I had 3 relatives on my paternal side that fought for the Confederacy, and two for the Union. My uncle knows the specifics as far as what units, etc. had to be NC/SC regiments. He’s done all the research. One interesting thing I found on Maternal side. Selma, Ala had the 2nd largest Munition...
What a coincidence. Does she also know that if a white girl were the delivery driver for Fed Ex, there would be certain towns in Alabama that she couldn’t deliver to, because certain people are the way they are. Saying crazy things to ‘em like…. you know…. just things. See how that works both wa...
Cold day in hell when I pull for the Vols. Go gay dudes! ...
[quote]You put the palm off your non-dominant hand on one end of the Melon. With your dominant hand, use your 2-3 middle fingers and slap into the other end with the fingertips only. A ripe melon transmits a solid pulse that is richly felt. A melon that as not as ready will transmit a weak pulse. ...
[quote]I don’t care if they’re painting each others nails as long as they’re winning.[/quote] It doesn’t look like we are very far away from this tbo. Do we need to start a CBB board or just merge it with the Fairy, I mean Soccer board. ...

re: Is NIL Overblown?

Posted by 14caratgoldjones on 6/12/24 at 2:02 pm
Sure kids want to get paid. They also want to PLAY while being paid. Auburn certainly has the advantage of instant playing time. The final goal is still the NFL, and you can’t showcase your talent on the bench. These kids will probably transfer at least once, from whom they originally signe...
Why doesn’t he blink? Have you ever tried to stare and not blink for over 30 seconds? Almost impossible. He doesn’t blink for minutes at a time. That’s not a living creature. ...
Your right. He’d have thrown her a jersey and tossed the dress. That’s his signature pulling guard. Dat talent going to waste! ...
Alabama-Tennessee carries waay more hate. At least in both sides. The LSU hate for Bama stems with Saban. We really don’t hate LSU. It’s a division rivalry for sure but they are at least 4th down on the hate meter list. You never saw LSU tear their own goal post down, march it down the street to...