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Registered on:8/6/2009
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I went and saw him October 31, 1998 in Atlantic City and he came out to Thriller...
[quote]Wow this just gets better and better…what a journey[/quote] "Run Richie..."...
Adding and extra game after already adding in extra will help tremendously with players safety. Those 2 preseason game, where half the guys who play get cut was very dangerous. ...
[quote]Would. But would use double protection and would feel icky after.[/quote] The advantages of being 52 with Low T. I wouldn't touch her...she lost me at 220....
[quote]Get up and see that the box is empty. "shite, Layla must have wiped her out." Look over, and the kitten is on the dog's head. Layla tended to and took care of the kitten, and was the kitten/cat's best friend[/quote] FIFY! Sorry to hear about Layla :( ...
Not a video but last week a stray kitten ran in front of my car and dashed back under a bush in the Winn Dixie parking lot under the Splash sign. When I left Winn Dixie I put some food out for the poor thing. [img]https://i.imgur.com/LoyVpfg.jpeg[/img] I visited morning and evening leaving ...
It is no Peepin' Through The Window by Roy C...
[quote]Driving with wife? Stopping every 200 miles...[b]Callin Baton Rouge[/b][/quote] I would drive 500 miles and I would drive 500 more......
[quote]Get shot in the ear[/quote] No...when we have seen someone actually shot in the ear...a bandaid doesn't help....
Kenny Almond wasn't bad. He led us to 7 victories my 10th grade year! And that may his best year of coaching...we were terrible!...
I have driven straight from Baton Rouge to New York City several times without sleeping or getting a room for the night (I like night driving with less assholes on the road) with my best Vegas to Baton Rouge straight through. My rule is this...if I pull over for a bathroom break, I get a snack, ...
[quote]Against Sloppy Joe University or Alabama?[/quote] So qualify it...One game a year it's the best Stadium in College Football. Pretty sure Michigan and Ohio State are pretty awesome once a year....
[quote]Trump news this week totally drowns that news out, as it should.[/quote] How can I get a cool bandaid that covers up my ear piece? I was waiting for it to start bleeding like Curt Shillings sock !...
[quote]keystonelite Biden is about to drop out. Who gives a shite about Kobe dad. The future of our country is in the balance.[/quote] And Ric Flair is about to Battle Hulk Hogan! You really believe this bullshite? Honest question. And I will admit to be a moderate Conspiracy Theorist...but...
Joe wore 23 before Jordan...no wonder Kobe had penis envy!...
[quote]Mainly bc nobody here cares[/quote] I thought it would be bigger than just a MORE SPORTS THREAD...I guess I was wrong....
Fyi...I just realized why Kobe had such a stupid middle name!...