Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Baton Rouge
Biography:I'm married to my high school sweetheart, graduated from LSU in ChemE in 2007, and I play guitar and write songs for church. I live with my wife and dog in Baton Rouge.
Interests:LSU Football, Guitar, tennis, MMA, church
Occupation:APC Engineer
Number of Posts:2492
Registered on:7/29/2009
Online Status:Not Online

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Alligators have two stomachs

My 4 year old has 2 stomachs.

It allows her to be totally full from dinner but have room for dessert.

re: 90s Kids Nostalgia Thread

Posted by Huck Finn on 1/17/25 at 9:10 pm
For my mom's birthday me and my brother are going to leave our families at home, and spend the night at our parents house. Eat sloppy Joe's, watch Home Improvement and Space Ghost, play street fighter, mom will make a butterfinger shake...

Okay maybe it's my birthday.
Where in Shenandoah? It's one of the biggest neighborhoods in the state.

The St George wall can't go up fast enough.
Google John Oliver's episode on timeshares.
Is all you need to know
Like anyone could even know that, Napoleon.

This seems like a case of the blind men trying to describe an elephant. "might be 100 billion sons big, maybe more. Who knows. It's also invisible since it's a black hole. But no way my instrument I measure it with is malfunctioning, even a little.

re: "Comparison is the thief of joy"

Posted by Huck Finn on 12/10/24 at 1:29 pm
Happiness = Reality minus Expectations

Getting drunk is just stealing happiness from tomorrow
LSU had a Heisman quarterback for 13 games last year, and zero this year.

re: Real Nevada Info

Posted by Huck Finn on 11/5/24 at 3:52 pm
Is "other" just party affiliation?

I'm registered as independent in LA because I don't feel like the Dims nor Rinos have America's best interest at heart. Which is why I'm totally MAGA.
Trump is brash, but he represents the most polite way we can achieve a coup in DC.

I would assume most inde
It had a boatload of links & threads with steal info.
But it was wiped, with a cloth.

re: tElection 2024 Forum page is here

Posted by Huck Finn on 11/5/24 at 6:47 am
When this election board captures mountains of data and links proving fraud, will it be wiped with a cloth like 2020?
Already got a Yeti.

Now I'm in the market for a yellow hardtail bike if you know where I could find one gently used...

Why did he put an asterik in the word dead like it's a curse word?

He didn't want to offend the d*ad people.
That's how you end get haunted.

re: Eye of the Tiger Paintings

Posted by Huck Finn on 10/10/24 at 12:56 pm
Frank's in Prairieville.
Gonna Cost you, though, if it's $6 it a link of sausage...

re: Basis Charter Schools

Posted by Huck Finn on 9/26/24 at 12:42 pm
Had 2 kids there and we bolted after 1 year.

Here's what I know about BASIS (it's long):

For K-4 or 5th the workload is high but somewhat doable. And there's a second teacher in the class that is very helpful in them "getting it."

Then 6th grade on is insane. The homework was hours every ni
5th grade daughter had something just like that 2 weeks back. Cough, sore throat and legs hurt. Tested negative for flu, strep & covid.
Sermon specifically addressed this today.
Timely and important.
Not to jump to conclusions, but I didn't have much faith in the "MANIAC MURDER CULT" to take a pragmatic and level headed approach to pretty much anything...

Why do we even HAVE a Maniac Murder Cult, anyway?