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Location:Lurking the Tin Foil Hat Board
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Registered on:7/7/2009
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re: Lol@Loklolahoma

Posted by Green Chili Tiger on 10/21/24 at 12:23 pm
Greatest Screamo band of all time. [img]https://media.tenor.com/SMX5xidAJQ8AAAAM/violence-drums.gif[/img]...

re: Gay marriage.

Posted by Green Chili Tiger on 10/18/24 at 9:21 pm
[quote]allowing gay marriage lies on the church.[/quote] You don't need a church to get married in this country ...

re: Which LSU poster is this?

Posted by Green Chili Tiger on 10/18/24 at 4:56 pm
That's cajunbama's wife's son....
[quote].3% THC can get you stoned[/quote] Speak for yourself lightweight....
[img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GaGfSjGWsAI0JT6?format=jpg&name=large[/img] :lol:...
[quote]74-72 was worth recognition[/quote] Was it though? [img]https://i.imgur.com/xTRiSiI.png[/img]...
[quote]Print the shirts?[/quote] [img]https://dmn-dallas-news-prod.cdn.arcpublishing.com/resizer/v2/2LEKRU4HTTACXAA2YQOFPQ5NWI.jpg?auth=8006266fa0d724b63bfe4cb2ad6c5d953bd3503d60ef82b02939812458d6b4ef&height=1878&quality=80[/img] [quote]You guys celebrate the weirdest things[/quote] [img]ht...

re: Chase Young wtf

Posted by Green Chili Tiger on 10/18/24 at 3:14 pm
[quote]What a phony arse try hard lmfao. Take your cookout and SHOVE IT. You soft purple and yellow clowns.[/quote] [img]https://i.imgur.com/aVs5PQ8.gif[/img]...
[quote]King George[/quote] [img]https://i.imgur.com/bLSS6sH.gif[/img]...
[quote]Smokin Jay looking very rough[/quote] He looks like Jesse Palmer on day 9 of a 10 day hookers and meth bender....
Back in the 90's I had an employee that failed his drug test for cocaine. When I called him in to let him go, he explained that it was all a big misunderstanding. He didn't use coke. He sells crack and he keeps the rocks in his mouth and that must be how it got in his system. :lol:...
[quote]Is Pratt's character literally cosplaying John Holmes?[/quote] Fify [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/2334023240/x5y9x1sptzqyc7096cvc_400x400.jpeg[/img]...