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Location:High altitude hell
Number of Posts:1392
Registered on:10/26/2004
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Cherish every fricking second of it, even if you don't understand. Soon, you won't be able ask why....
Glad his graphic appropriately labeled current atmospheric CO2 levels as safe, green, normal. Why all the hysteria?...

re: RIP Lou Dobbs

Posted by homesicktiger on 7/18/24 at 4:42 pm
[quote]He also had fun on election night in 2020 until 3 AM.[/quote] Water main breaks are such a buzz-kill....

re: Second Shooter Theory

Posted by homesicktiger on 7/18/24 at 4:39 pm
[quote]SlowFlowPro[/quote] You might want to look up the word [i]theory[/i] in one of those old fashioned dictionary books....
I can't listen to the audio, but if the OP title is accurate, someone may want to put IAmNerd on suicide watch (from Cory Mills thread)....
[quote]riverdiver[/quote] Sad I only have one upvote...
[quote] heard the same from someone earlier today, that the snipers were looking long range and never would have anticipated someone actually being within 130 yards [/quote] [Quote]Bongino said sort of the same thing in addition to what you said. The SS sniper team are trained to look for ghi...
[quote]Y'all believe democrats drink the blood of babies[/quote] Not all. Some just enjoy killing them. Others, sexually abusing them. Maybe some, all three....
[quote]Me: He literally said you can grab a woman by the pussy and you as a woman still voted for him i'm not willing to lax my morals that much.[/quote] Did you misquote Trump above on purpose or accidentally, and did you misquote him in the convo with your coworker? I mean, principles and all,...
[quote]Is that the gist of it?[/quote] Not really. For some reason, you left out alot of facts that undermine your coy troll attempt....
How do I link on TD? Oh wait, that's the OP....
You mean I finally get to square off against some F16s?!?!?!?!?...
[quote]I can guarantee you that’s boiler plate language contained in any search authorization.[/quote] Exactly, see Randy Weaver, Vernon Howell, etc. TLAs are totes fair and unbiased....
[quote]liz18lsu[/quote] [quote]underwear if you wear them[/quote] [quote]:pimp:[/quote] [quote]and a razor[/quote] :pimp: :pimp: ...

re: Turks & Caicos Boycott OFF

Posted by homesicktiger on 5/24/24 at 5:33 pm
[quote]Probably should have served more time since he was found with 20 rounds. That's a lot of rounds to have floating around unnoticed in your luggage.[/quote] 22LR or 50BMG? Google those if you need to....
[quote]How do you even begin to solve a problem like Wikipedia's 10 years of capture by a relatively small (you'd be shocked how few) set of woke neckbeards?[/quote] I guess you could just start by quitting....
[quote]retreated to the countryside.[/quote] [quote]Establish camp on high ground. Wait for war[/quote] Just like is happening here....
[quote]You people are insane and I mean that sincerely. China is the last country on earth who would need man power from other nations.[/quote] So Russia keeping POTATUS tied up in Ukraine doesn't help Xi? Interesting....