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Location:Defending National Champs Fan
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Registered on:3/29/2009
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[quote] I take it you haven’t posted much against the grain here lately [/quote] I take it you don't frequent this board often. :lol:...

re: Stepping Stone

Posted by pankReb on 7/26/24 at 3:39 am
[quote]It also says nothing about it being a stepping stone to Alabama like the OP inferred.[/quote] He didn't infer anything other than Nick used LSU as a stepping stone. ...

re: Is EA CFB 25 actually that hard?

Posted by pankReb on 7/26/24 at 3:29 am
[quote] I’m at my best playing ball control offense and picking up 7-10 yards at a time.[/quote] Good. I'm not looking for the ARMA version of EA football levels of realism......but they should absolutely make the game where you can't just keep throwing 4 verts all game long. ...
[quote]Trump voters talking. If that panel was made up of undecideds it would mean something.[/quote] "You can never criticize a democrat EVER! If you do, we're going to label you a Trump supporter!"...

re: Is EA CFB 25 actually that hard?

Posted by pankReb on 7/25/24 at 4:46 am
[quote]but, i have a hard time believing comments like yours [/quote] It was a joke. I'm on PC. ...

re: Is EA CFB 25 actually that hard?

Posted by pankReb on 7/24/24 at 9:14 am
Is this game really that hard for you guys? I've yet to lose a game....
Not the first time she’s advanced her career because of some guy pulling out....
[quote]try working with 10 korean men just like him. they are aweful. his real problem is in Korea he's used to younger koreans giving him his way on everything.[/quote] He’s a complete arse but it sounds like he doesn’t know any better because of his cultural upbringing. I put more blame on the ...
Dart shared a story of Juice Wells running a route and making a great 1-handed catch. His cuts looked good but his arms were flailing all over the place. ...

re: Kamala Voters* - Explain to Me*

Posted by pankReb on 7/24/24 at 3:02 am
[quote]my family was deeply impacted by the opioid epidemic fueled by our own government.[/quote] [quote]My life isn’t dictated by who occupies the White House. My life hasn’t radically changed because of any presidential election.[/quote] :lol:...

re: Kamala Voters* - Explain to Me*

Posted by pankReb on 7/24/24 at 2:51 am
please. Explain it, then....

re: Yo elon! You sweating yet?

Posted by pankReb on 7/23/24 at 1:57 pm
Elon needs to respond in one of two ways “Who are you?” “Welcome back to X.”...

re: Yo elon! You sweating yet?

Posted by pankReb on 7/23/24 at 1:51 pm
He’s been TDS’d for years. Him and Mark Hamil are just sorry excuses for men. ...

re: 9 days and no answers

Posted by pankReb on 7/22/24 at 7:52 am
[quote] A Congressional Hearing where the participants have to be subpoenaed is a little different than press conference where those officials choose to offer up information.[/quote] correct. It's different in that an oversight committee can actually ask them tough questions instead of letting t...

re: Is EA CFB 25 actually that hard?

Posted by pankReb on 7/22/24 at 7:48 am
[quote]Is EA CFB 25 actually that hard?[/quote] Bought you something [img]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/41RZKFE6eTL._SX342_SY445_.jpg[/img]...
[quote]Are we sure he can use a White House letterhead when discussing a campaign?[/quote] Honestly a good question. ...
[quote]USA Today: Kamala Harris wants to ban plastic straws but says paper straws too 'flimsy'[/quote] That's what happens when you introduce recycled paper to 110 proof....