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Location:Alexandria, LA
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Registered on:10/5/2004
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Who gives a flying **** what the record is after 5 innings or when leading after such and such the record is this. The champ is crowned by only one stat. FINAL SCORE!!!...

re: Best slogan for a Rice Tshirt?

Posted by tigernut on 6/2/09 at 8:07 am
[quote]TODAY'S SPECIAL: LSU FRIED RICE[/quote] +1 This one sounds the best to me. I'd buy it....

re: Colin Cowherd said it best!

Posted by tigernut on 3/13/09 at 8:21 am
[quote]He continued to say that you are paying for a product, and if the product is not any good for what you pay[/quote] First, Cowherd doesn't know what it means to be an loyal fan of anything, so I would not let him tell me what constitutes as a fan. Second, LSU and other universities are N...
I'm starting to feel the same way. The posts are getting way to "geeky." you got all this "Germans" crap and people just waiting in the trenches for someone to make a grammatical error. This board use to be a daily thing for me. But as time goes by, you can't even RANT about something without some...

re: .

Posted by tigernut on 1/3/09 at 12:20 pm
[quote]This will be the worst women's team we've seen in years. A 30+ point blowout on national tv is likely. [/quote] Your name fits you perfectly because you smoking something. This team is very young and has only one vet. They are sticking with this UConn team. If you don't care about the g...
This will not make the season any longer. It take a few week just to get to the precious bowl bowl games. Then takes another couple of weeks to get through the crummy ones. This bracket would only take 5 weeks to complete. If you start it the first week of December, then your are done about the sa...

re: Texasfootball web site...

Posted by tigernut on 12/3/08 at 10:27 am
[quote]I think it's the Sears trophy - which has been given out for quite some time.[/quote] Sears wasn't a sponsor of the trophy until 1993 so the other 3 championships should not be a crystal football unless there's some trophy I don't know about...

re: Texasfootball web site...

Posted by tigernut on 12/3/08 at 10:11 am
Well the AFCA National Championship trophy that has the waterford crystal football started 1986. So Texas could only have 1 crystal football. [link=(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AFCA_National_Championship_Trophy)]LINK[/link]...

re: Kiffin's wife

Posted by tigernut on 12/3/08 at 9:25 am
broken link try again...

re: thanks herbstreit!

Posted by tigernut on 11/29/08 at 11:27 am
Actually he was. and if he really made up his mind he should have gone whether the story broke or not...

I keep telling myself...

Posted by tigernut on 11/29/08 at 10:30 am
it could be worse. This season has been very hard to swallow, but we could be completely out of a bowl chance. We could be Michigan, Auburn, Tennessee, even Arkansas who beat us can't go to a bowl. LSU has alot of potential and I don't think that this skid is going to perpetuate into next year (I...

re: All your Doom and Gloom LSU Fans...

Posted by tigernut on 11/24/08 at 7:50 am
I can see giving a pass to the offense, who other than Scott the last few games, has not been completely terrible. But to have team after team just start the game marching up and down the field at will and while LSU defense just slaps them on the butt as they go by is something that really needs to...
FF is the highest it goes in the East uppers so four rows down from the top. Not all that bad. My father-in-law who sat up on FF one time came back and said the FF stands for F-ing Far...
Give him a break. He's had a lingering injury. Plus that was him that blocked the punt against BAMA. People learn some patience and sympathy. These are 19-24 year old boys not NFL giants. ...
[quote]Not really sure I get the score part. I assume it means "UGA scored 10, Tiger Stadium held 92k"?[/quote] No I really think LSU scored 92k points. :rolleyes:...
USC needs to talk to Auburn on how to control their refs. "I told you to hit the guys in purple and gold" - Ole Ball Coach...
I think that the reason that LSU has not had a heisman player in forever is that we have a whole team about on the same level. We spread the weath to much, which is not a bad thing. We have always had at least 2 or 3 equal RBs that rotate and are capable of churning up yards. Same with most posit...
MSU game was the most boring game I've ever watched. I could tell the players were tired, not to mention some key defensive injuries. And even though we played like crap, we still had MSU under our thumb. Not an impressive win but after this weekend, it could have been much worse. LSU has a week off...

re: OreSt 27, USC 21 - FINAL

Posted by tigernut on 9/25/08 at 8:47 pm
this could really be possible if OSU's strength holds up and they play with the same intensity...
This whole thing is stupid to cancel the game or move it up. Latest tracking has it just passing Cuba Sunday morning. THAT'S 2 DAYS AWAY. And these stupid forecasters have been wrong so many times over the years. The thing is not even definitely coming for us. Just play the game AS SCHEDULED and...