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re: Disney Adults...What an odd group.

Posted by Pendulum on 7/26/24 at 10:23 am
I'm really not sure anymore who is more cultish, people that go to Disney, or people that hate on people who go to Disney. One groups motivation is enjoying Disney vacations, can't figure out the others....
You think people voting rfk will vote for trump because of some endorsement? Everyone I've met in my personal life that is voting rfk, just doesn't want trump and rfk is an option that is simply tolerable. They will not give a fk if he endorses him, they are more likely to vote kamala than trump in ...
[quote]Why only 3 months?[/quote] Because that's all the matters, after that it's irrelevant....
This hurts trump, eliminates a possibility for never Trumpers, which is the majority of people voting rfk. They aren't going to give a shite about his endorsement, he was just an option not named trump. Need him to stay in the race....
Good for the administration, horrible for the election Gotta win for it to matter. Don't feed me any bs about the rust belt, trump did better in Ohio than Vance in his own state with thiel dumping money on him. He does nothing for trump getting elected. It seems to me vp is pretty unimportant...
I dont understand this part of the fascination of the assassination attempt. Why does it matter? I feel no different about the situation whether it was the bullet itself that went through his ear or a bullet hit something right in front of trump that shot debris at him. Who cares? What narratives ar...
[quote]You do realize that Vance is very well like in OH, PA, and Michigan… right? If Trump picks up PA Or Michigan the race becomes very difficult for Kamala to win… That is why Harris should be after either Gov for her running mate…[/quote] Jd Vance barely won his seat. The people that did v...
So dumb, all either Trump or Kamala had to do, is pick a VP with any amount of independent appeal and they win. Trump picked a guy that yields him 0 new votes, I like the guy, but it doesnt matter if you don't win; and Kamala is about to take a voluntary nosedive as well if there's any truth to t...
Guy asks a bunch of questions, gets no answers from other guy, other guy blinks at end of video,( be sure to watch until end), "is there any doubt now?"...

re: 4 Chan & Crowdstrike Fiasco

Posted by Pendulum on 7/23/24 at 8:30 pm
Beyond the whole technical stupidity of this post, the thought that biden would dissappear simply because a foreign country had access to an ai that could impersonate him is moronic. The same guy that had his press secretary out there denying real videos of him walking were real? That guy?...

re: 4 Chan & Crowdstrike Fiasco

Posted by Pendulum on 7/23/24 at 8:18 pm
Sounds like it was written by someone who has no clue how computers work....
I also think that this "its a cake walk for trump, only other outcome is dems cheat" is a poisonous attitude that will lose the election for Republicans. ...
Depends on how trump does. Harris will avoid all issues and focus on conviction, and identity politics, end of democracy etc. All trump has to do is deliver more of the first 15 mins of his rnc speech. Just try, in the slightest way, to appeal to the independents which will decide election. It...

re: Trump and Bryson try to break 50

Posted by Pendulum on 7/23/24 at 12:51 pm
They are playing best ball from Reds. They are trying to break 50 for a 18 hole round. Trump is way better than I expected just watching his swing from previous clips. Guys got an incredible flop chip shot....
So they had a second shooter that couldn't shoot potentially? Radical ...
[quote] What a tragic bust for[b] 2 first round draft picks[/b].[/quote] Sorry I'm going to need to see your work on this math. ...