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Location:Tuscaloosa, AL
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Registered on:12/8/2008
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[quote] Even within the democrat only primaries she was absolutely horrific. So much so she didn’t even make it to a primary vote[/quote] She's had the benefit of being Vice President of the United States for 4 years. For better or worse, it probably gives her significantly more credibility t...
[quote] This is sad.[/quote] Anyone who can go back and forth like this and ruin a significant thread should be banned. ...
[quote]The fact that people will be willing to accept that a political party and the entire mainstream media lied to them for the past year is mind blowing to me. They lied constantly for the last year and nobody will hold them accountable.[/quote] The past year? This has been evident much lo...

re: Drone combat is terrifying

Posted by Grievous Angel on 7/20/24 at 10:18 pm
[quote]Pretty sure if this footage got more play no one would ever go to war again.[/quote] Yep. Rich men with beefs send poor men to settle their differences. They need people to be rah rah nationalistic to get them to fight. Time to realize the folks across the border aren't really an...
[quote]Cannot stand watching stupid people repeat stupidity day after day. My fault.[/quote] I know we're supposed to find deeper meaning in this but this was my takeaway. The he-she was gross. But the more you see it, the more it will be normalized. Martha was the high point of the show...
[quote]I've always wondered why no American companies have thrown a blank check at some of Toyota's engineers.[/quote] The Toyota Production System isn't a secret. There are a few things going for Toyota: 1) People buy Toyota because they EXPECT a high quality, reliable car. Those people...
[quote]Southwest Airlines IS NOT affected. One of the very few![/quote] They have a reputation for being "behind" on their systems. Probably saved them here....
FAFO. It's like this guy thought they stopped making guns after he bought his. Justified kill in self defense against an unhinged lunatic. Shooter covered all his bases...shot his cap right off his head with the 3rd shot. He gets to go home to his family. ...
I'm "multi" technically. I don't feel "rich" or "set." I plan to keep working, at least until 62 which is 10 years from now. I'll see where I am. Trending towards 3, 4 is certainly doable by retirement. 5 may be a stretch possibility. I drive a base trim Tacoma. And wear a Casio G-Shock (...

re: a palette cleanser thray

Posted by Grievous Angel on 7/13/24 at 10:32 pm
Funny. But fake....
[quote] She [b]bares[/b] a striking resemblance to manti Tao’s girlfriend…[/quote] Sigh....
Looks like a mike-tyson-bite-sized chunk out of the top of his year. Perfect photo op with Holyfield. ...
[img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GSZ9ONwXIAAYSUK?format=jpg&name=small[/img] Given the consensus on both the left and the right about Biden's ability to function, this image just makes the contrast that much more extreme. It's game over....
[quote]No coming back from this[/quote] The nation watched a sitting president get domed in a convertible. Maybe this will be a wake up call to some of the more moderate minded centrists/democrats to chill out on all the rhetoric. Fellon. Liar. Threat to democracy. Etc etc etc. ...
[quote]Democrats are mostly evil. Sorry, but it's true[/quote] Do you have a final solution for them? You're projecting the lunatic fringe on a whole body of otherwise normal people. Same thing that's done to conservatives all the time. ...
My first thought when I saw the shot of the body on the roof is how did he get up there without SS noticing? Do they not deploy snipers at advantageous vantage points to watch for stuff like this? Or have I just watched too many movies? Or maybe the terrain wouldn't allow it (but you'd think ...
I gotta say, I'm surprised at the number of people who are saying "i thought it was fireworks." My spidey senses would be WAY up at a political event like that. ESPECIALLY with all the hate ginned up for DJT. ...