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None of these white woke execs ever want to give up their job to a dei hire. It is alway some one else who gets shafted out of a higher paying job. ...

re: Elon Musk doubling down

Posted by chity on 7/24/24 at 8:59 am
[quote]He never said he was giving that.[/quote] How can you double down or up on anything it never existed. 2 X 0 = 0...
Never underestimate the stupidity of the American voter. There are a lot of voters who will vote for her just because she is a black and a woman. Throw in a corrupt MSM and a very well organized "get out to vote" campaign by the democrats, this is going to be a very tight election....

re: Cheetoh girl Resigns

Posted by chity on 7/23/24 at 9:55 am
What university is going to give her a six figure salary to do nothing? ...
Just watch The View. MKUltra is alive and well....

re: What happened to Minnesota?

Posted by chity on 7/19/24 at 2:06 pm
Minnesota has always been liberal even when predominantly white. Large liberal Swedish population. I think they were the only state that Ronald Reagan lost. Add in the Somalis and it going to go further down hill....

re: Kamala troops rallying support

Posted by chity on 7/19/24 at 9:17 am
Ladies, hide your husbands....
[quote]I tip a couple of bucks on take out.[/quote] Not to long ago nobody tipped on take out. Now everyone does it and you get scorned if you don't. This is true of a lot of issues going on....

re: How we feeling against USC?

Posted by chity on 7/18/24 at 6:58 am
USC is going to be better than last year. They have plugged some holes from last year with transfers. They also got a new DC from UCLA D'Anton Lynn. Sounds like LSU....
[quote]Aren't there certain states where it's too late to change candidates?[/quote] You are assuming the law means something to democrats....

re: There is no Deep State really

Posted by chity on 7/17/24 at 11:20 am
How do you explain time after time supposed independent news organizations come out with the same talking point. Project 2025 is a good example going on now. There is no deep analysis of what it says. The only message is: " this is Republican, this is Nazi stuff, vote Democrat "....

re: Has anyone read the project 25 papers?

Posted by chity on 7/17/24 at 6:24 am
Republicans need to get ahead of this . Get ten goals of Project 2025 and do a poll. example: Freedom of speech Y/N Higher taxes Y/N etc. Then run ads " 65% agree with Project 25 " Turn the tables on the Democrats....
Make January 6th a national holiday. Should be celebrated for showing the deep corruption in or government , media and school system....

re: The takeover of the Paleocons

Posted by chity on 7/16/24 at 9:33 am
[quote] Vance is an ideological heir to Pat Buchanan. [/quote] I wouldn't go that far. Pat Buchanan always had the same ideology. Vance is a work in progress. He has a way to go if he wants to get where PB is....
More than likely they called him Sunday and told him to tone down the rhetoric. He said no so they suspended him....

re: Cabinet positions?

Posted by chity on 7/15/24 at 4:21 pm
[quote]I would like to see Vivek as Chief of Staff.[/quote] Vivek on Sunday morning news shows would be more entertaining than a post game interview with a drunk Mike Ditka after a loss....
If I was a member of the Comperatore family I would not want Trump there. Even though I would appreciate his gesture the media circus would be too much. MSM shoving cameras in family members faces hoping to catch them crying on camera is not the type of behavior that a ceremony like this was mean...
I am just taking a guess but the local police may have been assigned to cover the roof but it was over 90 degrees and hotter on the rooftop. So they probably just decided to patrol the parking lot and the sniper slipped by them....
[quote]How are people this dumb? I can't wrap my head around it.[/quote] This may be a little off topic but the point is the same. You have people who push for every social program that comes up for a vote and then complain their taxes are going up....
Olbermann and Robert "Meathead" Reiner are cut from the exact same cloth. Unfortunately the media is filled with this type of thinking....