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Location:Baton Rouge
Biography:moved here 9 yrs ago and quickly became a rabid fan
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Registered on:10/13/2008
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re: Sophmore QB's in the SEC

Posted by bebeb22 on 10/12/09 at 1:16 pm
I don't think the year of the qb matters as much as who is doing the coachingl Crowton has had nearly 2 years to work with JJ and is still not using his skills on plays that will work for him. It would also be nice if the OL gave him a little time to pass the ball! I think he looks confused becau...
I admittedly don't know much about Crowton's rep, but it definitely seems that we desperately needed a quarterback coach this year with 3 rookies and will again with with Shep and Garrett coming in. I don't see JL as having the slightest chance of competing with these guys at all! Shep will be he...

re: Another Post: Something To Consider

Posted by bebeb22 on 11/29/08 at 5:53 pm
I have lost a great deal of confidence in Les this season. He was told to go out and get the best defensive coordinator in the country at the end of last year and he chose to promote from within instead. Peveto couldn't coach special teams last year - whatever made him think he was qualified to be...