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Location:Houston, TX
Biography:"Brando has the Electrolights Plants Crave!"
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Registered on:10/9/2008
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Recent Posts

[quote]They should meet with them, meet with this woman, apologize to her as quietly as you can and get back to selling steaks. They're going to do it eventually. If they can do it quick and immediate then it goes away. If they wait until all the bullshite really gets stirred up, then they're gonna ...
[quote]Good summary. Also not financial advice but generally speaking, in a transaction like this one where they publicly announced a strategic process and then announced the transaction, the deal was pretty well marketed so the odds of a topping bid coming in are low.[/quote] I agree, but I prev...
[quote]I went ahead and sold off my shares at .95 cents. Was there any reason to wait other than that .05 cents difference? Tax reason or other potential benefit? Trying to learn I’ve never had this happen before to one of my stocks[/quote] About 1 of 3 things could happen: 1.) the deal fall...
I fricked your mom ETA:….shite, I guess the cats out of the bag now ...
[quote]Geismar residents pushing back on Proposed Regional Sewage plant location[/quote] Ascension is a shite hole; seems appropriate...
[quote]So it’s trading at $0.95. Is that just because there is still some small risk the sale won’t close?[/quote] Yes, small risk along with the 100M short shares getting out at any price under the $1.00/share ...
[quote]so what happens to my shares? they give me 1$ and close the position?[/quote] Yes, it’s an all-cash transaction....
Glad I bought another 1800 shares on Friday :lol:...
[quote]She's a cute chick with bolt ons, that somehow hasnt felt the need to do porn yet for attention.[/quote] Yea, those aren’t bolt ons, baw ...

re: Candidates for EBR Mayor Race

Posted by rowbear1922 on 7/19/24 at 6:16 pm
[quote]Best chance is for a single republican to be in the race to try and win it outright in the primary. No way will a republican win in the runoff[/quote] Absolutely no shot a Republican gets 50% of the vote in November. Again, the best bet is Ted, Sharon, the thing and the homeless man split ...

re: Candidates for EBR Mayor Race

Posted by rowbear1922 on 7/19/24 at 5:18 pm
So it’s a 2 person race. Best chance Br has is the Dems split the vote and 2 repubs somehow make it in ...

re: Latoya’s Boyfriend Indicted

Posted by rowbear1922 on 7/19/24 at 2:00 pm
The Destroya ruins a city and lives around her ...
Check the first page at least before posting ...
[quote]He had on Tim Dillon and Kyle Kulinski in 2020. Was going to also have Alex Jones, but he cancelled like a day or two before.[/quote] You are correct. I remember now bc Kyle basically called it. That trump would be up overnight but once all the mail ins come in Biden would win ...
[quote]Rogan does one every four years, and I’ll be shocked if they’re not on it in character.[/quote] He did “End of the World” in 2016, but I don’t recall him doing it in 2020...
Watched the ep last night. It’s a must watch every Monday. I could listen to Adam and Shane just go back and forth as Joe and The Don for hours. They need to do a special streamed show during election night ...
[quote]Maybe now is the time to buy that stock and take a chance. Carvana was supposed to go under and their stock was down to $41 back in January. Today it's at $136.[/quote] The fact conn’s outlasted sears is a testament to the company. They have zero online presence and I literally thought the...