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Location:Next to the beer taps at Finn's
Biography:Yeah right!!
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Registered on:10/5/2008
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Recent Posts

Looks like Merino and Arsenal have come to personal terms. Only a matter of time it appears....
It was also the Federal Court that all of the Clinton Arkansas shenanigans were going to come out. BOOM gone. ...

re: Gubment harassing farmers

Posted by glassman on 7/25/24 at 7:07 pm
A competitive advantage is what every business in the history of business seeks. Go play with your Lenin action figure. ...

re: Gubment harassing farmers

Posted by glassman on 7/25/24 at 7:02 pm
Did you conveniently forget what she said that there is no statute in Michigan against this? It’s bureaucrats dictating to citizens. It’s outrageous. ...

re: Gubment harassing farmers

Posted by glassman on 7/25/24 at 6:59 pm
It’s called a loop hole in the law. Millions of people take advantage of them filling taxes every year. God forbid a small business doing the same. This all about control. ...
She worked on Willie and Montel's private scepter....
Hmmm. Can I boil crawfish and fry oysters? No grill needed. :lol:...

re: Liberal Twitter Poll Backfires

Posted by glassman on 7/25/24 at 3:20 pm
Those assholes should be in prison. Massive fraudsters, like Ponzi scheme shite....

re: Andrew Yang endorses Kamala Harris

Posted by glassman on 7/24/24 at 9:03 pm
How’s that bank balance in Luxembourg, Andrew?...
Communists are masters at manipulation. It’s textbook to accuse the enemy of what you actually do. Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot and countless others no one cares about have killed more of their own people than all wars combined since the Crusades. ...

re: Job Growth June YOY

Posted by glassman on 7/24/24 at 8:42 pm
Do you realize every jobs number has been revised down in every month? Trumps were revised up pre Scamdemic. Government jobs are a net loss for the economy. Vote for higher taxes, you fricking idiot. ...
They have the guns, we don’t. What the frick do you think?...
She's an excellent painter of certain objects. Club sandwich Chips Water...
The term "crazy eyes" gets thrown around a lot. She has them for sure. ...
[quote]Glass, you free?[/quote] Date? I can check the calender....

re: 18' Florida Python

Posted by glassman on 7/21/24 at 9:33 pm
With what? Scent based sexual traps? Pythons don’t eat carrion, only live prey. ...